AT&T تتفوق على T-Mobile في معركة MLB الترويجية

Phones Canada recently reported on a recent complaint filed by AT&T against T-Mobile to the National Advertising Division (NAD), the advertising industry’s self-regulatory body. AT&T took issue with T-Mobile’s claims of having the “best” 5G network and pricing, as well as being the “most reliable” 5G network. NAD requested T-Mobile to modify these claims and […]

تعمل Google على حل مشكلة توافق معينة بين التقويم وMicrosoft Outlook

Google Resolves Calendar Interaction Issue with Microsoft Outlook Microsoft’s Outlook often faces difficulties when interacting with other applications. However, in this case, it seems that the problem lies with Google’s Calendar app. Recognizing the need to address these issues, Google has recently announced the resolution of one such problem between Calendar and Outlook. The particular […]

احصل على خدمة غير محدودة مع خطة Cricket's Multi-Month Unlimited بسعر يصل إلى $30 شهريًا

Phones Canada Team have some exciting news for our readers! AT&T MVNO Cricket Wireless is shaking up the pre-paid industry by introducing multi-month unlimited plans. According to a recent survey by Recon Analytics, nearly half of pre-paid customers expressed interest in subscribing to a multi-month unlimited service plan. And guess what? Cricket Wireless heard you loud and clear!

فتح علبة هاتف Galaxy Z Fold 5: استكشاف المفصلة المرنة المبتكرة وتقنية تشتيت الصدمات من خلال عملية التفكيك

The recently launched Galaxy Z Fold 5 is in the spotlight once again, this time thanks to Zack Wilson from the popular YouTube channel JerryRigEverything. As an expert in disassembling various devices, Wilson decided to take apart the two-week-old Galaxy Z Fold 5 to explore its internals and reveal its new features. Wilson’s first focus […]

يستمر عدد المشتركين في Netflix في الولايات المتحدة في النمو على الرغم من الإجراءات الصارمة ضد مشاركة كلمات المرور

After implementing its crackdown on password-sharing in May, Netflix has seen a significant increase in new subscribers, according to a report by Antenna. In April, the number of gross additions to Netflix’s U.S. subscriber list declined by 12.9%. However, in May, this figure rose by 27.8%, and in June, it recorded an incredible 128.9% surge. […]

يمكن الآن استخدام كاميرات Nest الأقدم مع تطبيق Google Home

يسر شركة Phones Canada أن تعلن أن Google قد أجرت تحديثًا مهمًا لتطبيق Home الخاص بها، مما أدى إلى تحسين تجربة المستخدم لأولئك الذين لديهم كاميرات Nest القديمة. أضاف عملاق التكنولوجيا مؤخرًا دعمًا لنماذج كاميرا Nest الأصلية، مما جعلها أقرب إلى تقديم تجربة تطبيق Home كاملة.