تشير الشائعات إلى أن Galaxy A55 لن يحتوي على Qualcomm

According to recent rumors, Samsung is reportedly testing a new Exynos chip for its upcoming mid-range device, the Samsung Galaxy A55. This development is in line with a previous report from last year, which stated that Samsung will continue to use the Exynos line despite relying on Qualcomm for its flagship Galaxy S23.

يستمر نمو خدمة الاشتراك المتميزة Snapchat +

Snap launched its premium subscription service more than a year ago and announced back in June that Snapchat+ has around 4 million subscribers. It’s not a bad number considering that the service had about 1 million subscribers just two months after launch, but it’s not great either. Today, Snap confirmed that more than five million […]