اشترك واحصل على تجربة خالية من الإعلانات: استعد لإعلانات Prime Video في عام 2024 بدون اشتراك

There’s a new piece written by a well-known company. So it begins: “When they launched their streaming service in 2005, the first benefit they announced to members was…”, but life is short and we’ll cut straight to the chase. The fifth-largest company by market cap – [Company Name] ($1.35 T) – is giving you the […]
تشير الشائعات إلى أن Galaxy A55 لن يحتوي على Qualcomm

According to recent rumors, Samsung is reportedly testing a new Exynos chip for its upcoming mid-range device, the Samsung Galaxy A55. This development is in line with a previous report from last year, which stated that Samsung will continue to use the Exynos line despite relying on Qualcomm for its flagship Galaxy S23.
هذا ما تبدو عليه التصميمات الداخلية المُعاد تصميمها لجهاز iPhone 15 Pro.

The iPhone 15 Pro has undergone some notable changes in its construction compared to its predecessor, including a shift from stainless steel frames to titanium frames. In addition to this, the internal components of the iPhone 15 Pro have also been modified. A recent viral video by the YouTube channel PBKreviews provides an in-depth teardown […]
تسربت قبل الإطلاق: تم الكشف عن سعر وميزات طبقة HiFi الخاصة بـ Spotify

Spotify’s Upcoming HiFi Tier Revealed: Features and Pricing Leaked The much-anticipated HiFi tier from Spotify is finally starting to see some light. Although its official introduction took place in 2021, there has been no concrete timeframe for its release. However, recent reports suggest that the HiFi tier has been renamed to “Supremium.” Thanks to Redditor […]
تغيير محتمل في لون إطار التيتانيوم لجهاز iPhone 15 Pro بسبب الأصابع الدهنية

You’re eating through a bag of chips and your spick-and-span iPhone 15 Pro is sitting across the table when a notification illuminates the screen. You get up, wash your hands, dry them with a towel, then take a wet wipe and finally rub some degreaser on your fingers. You check who’s texting you and put […]
يستمر نمو خدمة الاشتراك المتميزة Snapchat +

Snap launched its premium subscription service more than a year ago and announced back in June that Snapchat+ has around 4 million subscribers. It’s not a bad number considering that the service had about 1 million subscribers just two months after launch, but it’s not great either. Today, Snap confirmed that more than five million […]
يقدم Facebook ميزة جديدة تسمح للمستخدمين بإنشاء وإدارة ملفات تعريف شخصية متعددة

Facebook announced a new feature that allows users to create multiple personal profiles. This feature is beneficial for those who want to separate different hobbies and interests that they would like to share with their friends and family. Here’s how it works: 1. Choose a name and have an @username for up to four additional […]
تم تجهيز صناديق iPhone 15 الآن بميزة الأمان المتقدمة من Apple لحماية المستهلكين من عمليات الاحتيال

To help consumers know that the box that they have purchased containing an iPhone 15 series handset actually contains a real iPhone 15 series handset, Apple has added a pretty nifty security feature to the boxes containing the new phones. A video posted on China’s Weibo social media site and shared on X by tipster […]
يكتشف مستخدمو هواتف Pixel وGalaxy واجهة Google Weather المحدثة

A little bit later, it is revealed that the number of Android users with the UI now added up to eight, including a Galaxy A54 user who had it show up on his phone. Later still, it also appeared on a Galaxy S22 handset. The new Google Weather interface is not as bright color-wise as […]