أغلق مربع البحث هذا.

يظهر التضمين المحتمل لمحرك البحث الخاص بشركة Apple في نظام التشغيل iOS إذا واجهت Google انتكاسة قانونية ضد وزارة العدل

Thanks to the recent antitrust lawsuit between the Justice Department and Google, search engines have become a hot topic. Specifically, there has been a lot of discussion about the deal between Google and Apple, where Google pays billions of dollars annually to be the default search engine on the iPhone. This raises the question of […]

إطلاق العنان لإمكانات منفذ USB-C: تحويل iPhone 15 إلى جهاز متعدد الإمكانات للألعاب والتصوير الفوتوغرافي والبث الصوتي

iPhone 15 USB-C Port: The Game Changer Thanks to recent developments, the iPhone now comes equipped with the long-awaited USB-C port. This upgrade brings about a new level of convenience, making the iPhone even more user-friendly. USB-C ports are already available on Apple’s MacBook and iPad, and now, with the addition of the iPhone and […]

نوكيا تكشف عن هواتف ذكية صناعية مزدوجة جاهزة لتقنية 5G

Phones Canada: Nokia Collaborates with i.safe MOBILE to Introduce Industrial 5G Smartphones Nokia, in collaboration with i.safe MOBILE Gmbh, a German company, has unveiled two new ruggedized 5G smartphones designed for industrial purposes. While Nokia no longer produces mass-market phones, this partnership allows the company to cater to specific enterprise needs. The new devices, namely […]