يكشف موقع Accurate Tipster عن ترقيات كبيرة لشاشة سلسلة iPhone 17 في عام 2025

iPhone 17 Series Displays – Upcoming Changes in 2025 Those of you who typically buy the non-Pro iPhone model when you upgrade have seen some nice additions to the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Plus this year. First of all, love it or hate it, the Dynamic Island has been included with the iPhone 15 […]
قد تنبع ميزة سامسونج على TSMC عند 2 نانومتر من اعتمادها السابق لتقنية الترانزستور

خطت شركة Samsung Foundry، إحدى أكبر المسابك التعاقدية، خطوات كبيرة في مجال البحث والتطوير في مجال تقنية عقدة المعالجة بدقة 2 نانومتر. صرح رئيس قسم حلول أشباه الموصلات والأجهزة في سامسونج، كي هيون كيونج، مؤخرًا أنه خلال السنوات الخمس المقبلة، ستتفوق سامسونج على TSMC لتصبح المسبك الرائد في العالم.
لا تنوي المواضيع استبدال X كموجز للأخبار العاجلة

If you were expecting Threads by Instagram to take X’s spot as your news feed, think again. Our plan is to keep Threads as a private space for users to communicate with their close friends and family, without being bombarded with news and politics. This position was confirmed by Instagram Head, Adam Mosseri, multiple times […]
هل بطاقة Pixel 8 Pro Video Boost و Night Sight هي البطاقة الفائزة من Google؟ شرح

Google Pixel 8 Pro: Introducing Video Boost Since the announcement of the Google Pixel 6, everyone’s favorite Search giant nestled itself even more comfortably among the most competitive smartphone manufacturers like Samsung and Apple. For some time now, it has been easy to call these the big three of the mobile tech world. Since 2016, […]
يمكن أن يقدم Google Drive قريبًا لمستخدمي Android تخطيطًا لعرض المستند من صفحتين

Google Drive is introducing a new two-page layout on larger screens, including foldable phones and tablets. This update is a significant improvement over the current layout, which only stretches the portrait UI to fit landscape screens. The new two-page layout option has been spotted by @AssembleDebug on X and seems to be appearing widely with […]
ثاني أكثر التصرفات غير الحكيمة هذا السبت: التقاط صور لكسوف الشمس بهاتفك

It’s no secret that smartphones have become an integral part of our daily lives. However, this addiction sometimes leads people to put themselves in dangerous situations while using their phones. Many have lost their lives while taking selfies or texting and driving. With the upcoming ‘ring of fire’ solar eclipse in the US, you might […]
لقد أدى التغيير بالفعل إلى وقت شحن أطول لساعة Pixel Watch الأصلية، وهذا ليس من خيالك.

Google has recently increased the charging speeds for the first-generation Pixel Watch through a firmware update. However, this means that the watch now takes longer to charge compared to when it was first released. The company quietly updated the support page for the device to reflect the new charging times. For those who own the […]
يمكن للأقارب المحتملين استخدام ميزة إلغاء القفل بالوجه على Pixel 8 Pro

MotorTransportation8 wrote on Reddit that his brother who shares some of their features but is not an identical twin and looks very different than them was able to use face unlock to get into their Pixel 8 Pro. After I set up my 8 pro today and got home my brother (who I bought the […]
تقدم PhoneArena نظام تسجيل جديد لمراجعات الهواتف الذكية!

Phones Canada is excited to announce a new and improved smartphone scoring system on our website. We have implemented this system since late September 2023 to provide our users with a more comprehensive and unbiased way to evaluate smartphones. Our new scoring system consists of 12 different categories, each with carefully selected criteria to ensure […]
هل هاتفك حقًا لا يستمع إليك للإعلانات المستهدفة؟ استكشاف الحقيقة وراء أنشطة هاتفك.

“This is the question I get asked all the time,” said cybersecurity veteran Jake Moore when I asked him if my phone was secretly listening to me. “They’re not listening,” he responded.But then why is Facebook so suspiciously skilled at serving me ads for specific products soon after I mention them in a verbal conversation? […]