الرائد المحير من سامسونج، Galaxy S23 FE، يخرج منتصرًا على Pixel 8 وNothing Phone 2 (في الوقت الحالي)

قد يبدو هاتف Samsung Galaxy S23 FE بمثابة إضافة غريبة لسوق الهواتف الذكية، لكنه في الواقع يقدم قيمة كبيرة مقابل سعره. على الرغم من أنه قد لا يكون بمظهر متميز مثل منافسيه، مثل Google Pixel 8 وNothing Phone 2، إلا أنه لا يزال يتمتع بالعديد من الميزات التي تجعله خيارًا مقنعًا.
من المتوقع ظهور أجهزة iPad Pro اللوحية الجديدة في عام 2024، بينما سيتم طرح أجهزة iPad الجديدة لأول مرة في مارس

A rumor last week suggesting that Apple was planning to unveil three new iPads on October 17th proved to be wrong. As for the tablets, Apple is expected to unveil new iPad models in March according to Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman. Gurman wrote that Apple has been working on the iPad Air, which could see a […]
عنوان منقح محتمل: "من المتوقع إعادة تصميم السماعة السفلية المحتملة لجهاز Galaxy S24 Ultra"

We anticipate that Samsung will reduce the optical zoom capabilities of the Galaxy S24 Ultra’s periscope lens from 10x to 5x. This decision is likely driven by the same reasoning that Apple gave for limiting the Tetraprism lens on the iPhone 15 Pro Max to 5x optical zoom. According to Jon McCormack, Apple’s VP of […]
اختبار الأيقونات ذات السمات لتطبيقات Android: تجربة Facebook وInstagram

The most recent Alpha and Beta versions of the Facebook and Instagram apps on Android now support Android’s themed icons. This supports recent rumors that Meta was working on finally adding this functionality to its apps’ icons, years after it became available throughout the operating system. Automatic theming, including themed icons, were introduced to Android […]
تفرض تكتيكات Google غير العادلة حيلًا سخيفة على هاتف Pixel 8 ذي الأسعار المعقولة، مما يجعل شركة Apple تشعر بالغيرة

Google’s Strategic Shift: Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro Comparison You know, younger smartphone users might not remember the days when choosing a new phone was much simpler. Back then, companies like Apple, Samsung, and Google only released one flagship phone a year. Ah, the good old days! But nowadays, we have a wide range […]
يظل Netflix الخاص بـ T-Mobile علينا دون تغيير، باستثناء ظرف واحد، على الرغم من زيادة أسعار جهاز البث

It was back in September 2017 when T-Mobile debuted “T-Mobile One with Netflix On Us.” It was one in a long line of Un-carrier moves made by the carrier designed to set T-Mobile apart from the competition. According to The Mobile Report, T-Mobile says that it plans to continue offering the promotion to its subscribers […]
واجهت بعض شركات الطيران الأمريكية مشكلات أثناء اختبار نظام تنبيه الطوارئ في الأسابيع الأخيرة

Remember that loud piercing noise that came out of your smartphone’s speakers on October 4th? It was the government testing the National Wireless Alert System. You shouldn’t have been surprised by it because we told you to expect it more than a month before the test took place. The jarring alert revealed the location of […]