سماعات أذن لاسلكية ستغير قواعد اللعبة وتتميز بصوت لا يمكن فقدانه واتصال Wi-Fi ونطاق استثنائي من المقرر إطلاقه في عام 2024

Get Ready for a Sonic Revolution with Qualcomm’s Latest Sound Platforms At the Snapdragon summit, Qualcomm has unveiled its latest S7 and S7 Pro Gen 1 sound platforms that are set to power your earbuds, headphones, and speakers, taking your audio experience to a whole new level. These cutting-edge audio platforms boast the following features: […]

تؤيد شركة آبل نداء بايدن لتشريع يدعو إلى حق الإصلاح

Apple Supports National Right-to-Repair Bill In a significant move, Apple has expressed its support for a US right-to-repair bill, aligning with President Joe Biden’s efforts to enhance competition and tackle practices that increase costs for consumers. Apple’s endorsement goes beyond mere words, as it pledges to provide independent repair shops and consumers across the nation […]

دعوى قضائية فيدرالية تكشف عن مخاوف بشأن ارتباط Instagram بالاكتئاب في مرحلة الطفولة مما يترك الجمهور محبطًا

The Lawsuit Against Meta’s Instagram Unit The attorneys general of 33 states have filed a complaint in federal court, suing Meta over the impact of its social media platforms on the mental health of youth. According to Reuters, the states accuse Meta of fueling a youth mental health crisis by promoting addiction through their social […]