أحدث طراز مميز من iPhone، iPhone 15 Pro، يتلقى أكبر قدر من الانتقادات من المستخدمين

According to a report by PerfectRec (via BGR), the one-month old iPhone 15 Pro model has the worst reviews of any premium iPhone yet. Going through more than 690,000 user-generated reviews online, PerfectRec found that the iPhone 15 Pro was rated 5 stars on 73% of these reviews. That was slightly lower than the percentage […]
سامسونج، نريد هواتف بشاشة OLED بأسعار لا تقبل المنافسة!

Samsung is taking its flagship phone features and bringing them to the budget market. This is great news for those looking for affordable Samsung phones. Take, for example, the Galaxy A14 priced at $199, which is available as a T-Mobile, Verizon, AT&T, or unlocked model directly from Samsung. What’s even more impressive is that it […]
سماعات أذن لاسلكية ستغير قواعد اللعبة وتتميز بصوت لا يمكن فقدانه واتصال Wi-Fi ونطاق استثنائي من المقرر إطلاقه في عام 2024

Get Ready for a Sonic Revolution with Qualcomm’s Latest Sound Platforms At the Snapdragon summit, Qualcomm has unveiled its latest S7 and S7 Pro Gen 1 sound platforms that are set to power your earbuds, headphones, and speakers, taking your audio experience to a whole new level. These cutting-edge audio platforms boast the following features: […]
هذا هو التأثير العالمي حيث تقوم شركات الاتصالات بإغلاق شبكات الجيل الثاني الخاصة بها

The Transition from 2G to 4G/5G – What You Need to Know As we approach April 2, 2024, the date when T-Mobile will shut down its 2G mobile network, many users may be wondering how this will affect them and what steps they need to take. In this article, we will provide you with all […]
متوفر الآن في الولايات المتحدة وأوروبا: هاتف Nubia Z50S Pro، وهو هاتف ذكي يركز على الكاميرا

The Nubia Z50S Pro, which was initially announced in China three months ago, is now available for purchase in the US and Europe. This phone may not be as famous as Apple or Samsung devices, but it offers some impressive features that make it worth considering. The Nubia Z50S Pro is a camera-centric phone that […]
المنتج الذي تخلى عنه كارل بي: لماذا فشل في تلبية معايير الاختبار

The Greatest Power Bank That Never Was When discussing movies, the question of the “greatest movie never made” often arises. Similarly, in the world of technology, we can’t help but wonder about the greatest power bank that never saw the light of day. This leads us to Nothing’s unrealized power bank project, which Carl Pei, […]
جهاز iPod البالغ من العمر 22 عامًا، وهو كنز تكنولوجي من شركة Apple، لا يزال يتوق إلى جهاز $350 الخاص بك

The iPod, the iconic MP3 player from Apple, has turned 22 and is available for purchase once again. Priced at $350, Urban Outfitters is offering the iPod as part of their “vintage retro tech” collection. However, the iPod mini is already sold out at $199 each. The iPods now come with flash storage instead of […]
تؤيد شركة آبل نداء بايدن لتشريع يدعو إلى حق الإصلاح

Apple Supports National Right-to-Repair Bill In a significant move, Apple has expressed its support for a US right-to-repair bill, aligning with President Joe Biden’s efforts to enhance competition and tackle practices that increase costs for consumers. Apple’s endorsement goes beyond mere words, as it pledges to provide independent repair shops and consumers across the nation […]
دعوى قضائية فيدرالية تكشف عن مخاوف بشأن ارتباط Instagram بالاكتئاب في مرحلة الطفولة مما يترك الجمهور محبطًا

The Lawsuit Against Meta’s Instagram Unit The attorneys general of 33 states have filed a complaint in federal court, suing Meta over the impact of its social media platforms on the mental health of youth. According to Reuters, the states accuse Meta of fueling a youth mental health crisis by promoting addiction through their social […]
على الرغم من ارتفاع الأسعار، تشهد Spotify نموًا في عدد المشتركين

Spotify Thrives: Subscribers Rise Despite Price Hikes Streaming services are hitting us with price hikes left and right these days, and Netflix is the latest culprit, just announcing another bump in its prices. Spotify joined the party earlier this year by cranking up its subscription fees, but oddly enough, it doesn’t seem to be scaring […]