بعد عامين من التراجع، انتعشت مبيعات الهواتف الذكية العالمية في أكتوبر، لتظهر نموًا مرة أخرى

The global smartphone industry has had its ups and downs in recent years, but it looks like things are finally starting to look up. According to data from Counterpoint Research (via Reuters), the global smartphone market returned to growth in October after more than two years of decline. Global monthly smartphone sales increased by 5% […]

دراسة جديدة: طيور البطريق العصبية هي الحيوان الأكثر نومًا في المملكة المتحدة، 25% من البريطانيين الذين يخافون وقت النوم، وفقًا لأبحاث Galaxy Watch

Our team at Phones Canada just learned about the largest sleep health study ever conducted. Samsung’s “Have we been sleeping well?” report analyzed 716 million nights of sleep behaviors from Samsung Health users worldwide. The study tracked sleep patterns for two years, from 2021 to 2023 and found that the average sleep duration has decreased […]

سيحصل هاتف Samsung Galaxy S23 FE على تحديث Android 14 One UI 6

Samsung is on a roll, as the South Korean giant has upgraded several smartphones to Android 14, including the Galaxy S22 and S23 series, and more recently the Galaxy A54. Today, it’s dumbed down version of Galaxy S23 that’s getting the highly-anticipated Android 14 One UI 6 update. According to SamMobile, the Galaxy S23 FE […]

يمكن لمشتركي T-Mobile التطلع إلى وصول هدية تحت عنوان العطلة في الخامس من ديسمبر، وفقًا لمذكرة داخلية مسربة

According to a leaked internal memo shared with The Mobile Report, it appears that T-Mobile’s customer rewards program, T-Mobile Tuesdays, is gearing up to offer a special holiday gift on December 5th. The leaked images suggest that T-Mobile subscribers will be able to receive a free holiday-themed pint glass from their local T-Mobile store. However, […]