كوالكوم وإيريديوم توقفان العمل بالقمر الصناعي Snapdragon بسبب عامل رئيسي

Qualcomm and Iridium have announced the end of their partnership regarding Snapdragon Satellite. This decision will officially end the project, effective December 3rd, due to setbacks in generating any business. The satellite firm, Iridium, wrote in a press release that despite technical success, smartphone manufacturers have not included the technology in their devices. Snapdragon Satellite […]

لا يزال بإمكان iPhone إجراء واستقبال المكالمات بعد لحظات من إبعاده عن النار، ويكون قادرًا على نقل البيانات في اليوم التالي.

In an incredible display of endurance, an iPhone was accidentally dropped into a bonfire, leaving it looking pretty crispy. Despite this, the phone was still able to receive calls and keep running until the data was transferred to a new phone the next morning. This unnamed iPhone model demonstrated remarkable resilience, even in the face […]

موظف تحت القسم يكشف النقاب عن المليارات التي أنفقتها Google لمنافسة iOS مع Android

The U.S. v. Google antitrust trial has recently been focusing on the billions of dollars in search revenue sharing that Google pays out to various Android phone manufacturers and wireless carriers. This money is intended to help the Android ecosystem remain innovative and competitive against Apple’s iOS and the iPhone. Jamie Rosenberg, a part-time Googler, […]