تفاصيل سطح جهاز "الهاتف الذكي بدون شاشة" المستقبلي المزود بتقنية الذكاء الاصطناعي، بما في ذلك سعر $699 والاشتراك فيه.

Humane has been building excitement for its groundbreaking device, the AI Pin, with the aim of replacing your traditional smartphone. The much-anticipated launch is set for November 9, and just ahead of this unveiling, The Verge has managed to uncover more details about this innovative device. Positioning itself as a pioneer in a post-smartphone world, […]
يقدم التحديث الأخير لموقع YouTube قسمًا جديدًا "من أجلك" مصممًا خصيصًا لمنشئي المحتوى

YouTube announced a new feature specifically tailored for creators, a “For you” section available from the Home tab. The new section has been designed to recommend YouTube users various content from the creator’s channel based on their watch history. Announced this week, the new feature will be rolled out to viewers starting November 20, but […]
شهد منتج Google الأسرع نموًا، YouTube TV، نموًا بمقدار 48% في عام واحد

TV’s Comeback: YouTube TV Grows 48% in a Year Back in the 1960s, people predicted that by the year 2000, we would have flying cars. Fast forward to today, and instead, we’re talking about the resurgence of TV. According to a report from Insider, YouTube TV has been crowned as Google’s fastest-growing product in the […]
تعترف شركة Apple بحتمية وجود متاجر تطبيقات تابعة لجهات خارجية في أوروبا.

In 2022, the European Union introduced the Digital Markets Act (DMA), which came into application across the countries in the EU a year later this May. Apple and other big tech companies, seen as gatekeepers, have probably known for a while, maybe even years, that they would have to follow the new competition rules. Recently, […]
ميزة الخصوصية الجديدة على WhatsApp تتيح للمستخدمين إخفاء عنوان IP الخاص بهم

WhatsApp is introducing a new privacy feature in its latest update that is set to roll out this week. The feature will allow users to hide their IP address during WhatsApp calls, adding an extra layer of privacy for those who want to keep their location hidden. To enable this feature, users will need to […]
يقدم Gmail واجهة مستخدم جديدة للرد السريع لاختبار رسائل البريد الإلكتروني التي تعمل بنظام Android

Our team at Phones Canada have learned that Gmail is testing a new quick reply UI. This new update will bring a touch of modernization to the email service, making it more similar to a chat service. The test for Gmail on Android is replacing the three large buttons for Reply, Reply All, and Forward […]
تم إنقاذ حياة امرأة في أوكلاهوما بواسطة تنبيه Apple Watch بسبب الرجفان الأذيني (AFib).

Judith Luebke from Oklahoma shares her story of how the Apple Watch potentially saved her life. In 2021, she was diagnosed with critically high blood sugar levels, a dangerous situation for a diabetic. One morning, she received a notification on her Apple Watch alerting her that she was in AFib (Atrial fibrillation). Initially, she dismissed […]
دخل ستيف وزنياك، رئيس شركة أبل، إلى المستشفى في مكسيكو سيتي بسبب احتمال إصابته بسكتة دماغية.

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak reportedly hospitalized in Mexico after experiencing vertigo symptoms. Sources revealed that Wozniak was supposed to participate in a World Business Forum event in Mexico City but ultimately sought medical attention after feeling unwell. While Reuters could not confirm whether Wozniak had been hospitalized, TMZ reported that he underwent testing at a […]
سيبدأ إنتاج لوحات iPad Pro من قبل اثنتين من الشركات المصنعة الكبرى لشاشات OLED في فبراير

The upcoming 11-inch and 13-inch iPad Pro (2024) models are expected to feature an OLED panel instead of an LCD, replacing the 11-inch and 12.9-inch iPad Pro (2022) models. The 12.9-inch model currently uses mini-LED backlighting, offering a 1,000,000:1 contrast ratio thanks to the 2,500 dimming zones created with this technology. The mini-LED was used […]
حصلت صديقة ترافيس كيلسي على لقب فنان العام في Apple Music لعام 2023

It’s no surprise considering that one person has dominated the music industry in 2023, but Taylor Swift has been named the Apple Music Artist of the Year. Swift says Apple is the “most-streamed female artist in Apple Music history.” Describing the type of reaction that greeted Swift everywhere, Apple said, “Across the charts, streams, and […]