يقال إن Apple Watch ستحصل على مراقبة ضغط الدم واكتشاف انقطاع التنفس أثناء النوم في عام 2023

Apple is reportedly making significant strides in the realm of health care, according to a new report from Bloomberg. The tech giant is said to be developing new features for the Apple Watch that could have a profound impact on the health monitoring capabilities of the popular device. Specifically, Apple is rumored to be working […]
Pixel phones now have car crash detection available in additional countries

Car Crash Detection Expands to More Countries Car Crash Detection has been a feature on Google Pixel phone as part of the Personal Safety app since the Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XL. This life-saving feature has been so popular, it has been adopted by other smartphone manufacturers, as now, it is expanding to even […]
إن استخدام مصطلح "iPhone" في عمليات بحث Google يجلب البهجة لعملاق البحث

During high-profile trials, many closely guarded secrets become public knowledge. Even though Judge Amit Mehta, who is presiding over the Google trial, has mostly abided by the search giant’s request to redact documents and hear witness accounts in private, an important list has been shared with the public. As first spotted by The Verge, the […]
أيقونة الثلج الآن ملف: أداة الطقس على iPhone تتلقى استجابة باردة

Winter Weather Widget Glitch on iPhones Heads up, iPhone users! Your Weather widget icon might be giving winter the cold shoulder. Instead of snowflakes, a random file icon is popping up on the lock screen widget for some users. Yep, the forecast calls for a flurry of… files? Several folks online noticed that every time […]
سيواجه معجبو Google تجربة ديجا فو مع مشكلة استنزاف البطارية المنتشرة على نطاق واسع في هاتفي Pixel 8 و8 Pro الجديدين

بالنسبة للعديد من مستخدمي الهواتف الذكية، قد يبدو هاتف Pixel 8 هو الجهاز الأمثل للشراء في موسم العطلات هذا، خاصة لأولئك الذين يبحثون عن التوازن بين القوة والقدرة على تحمل التكاليف. ومع ذلك، يبدو أن أحدث هواتف Google الرائدة يواجه مشكلة مألوفة ابتليت بها أسلافه، وهي استنزاف البطارية المفرط.
تطلق سامسونج ميزة جديدة للحظر التلقائي لحماية أجهزة Galaxy المحسنة

Samsung Auto Blocker is a new application that aims to enhance the security of your Galaxy device. It comes with the latest software update, One UI 6, and offers various features to protect your device. One of the key functions of Auto Blocker is to prevent the installation of apps from unauthorized sources. By default, […]
تتمتع ولاية يوتا بأكملها تقريبًا الآن بتغطية من شبكة 5G الخاصة بشركة T-Mobile.

T-Mobile Expands Its 5G Network Coverage in Utah T-Mobile continues to expand its 5G network across the United States. Earlier this week, the carrier announced that its 5G service is now available for nearly 99 percent of Utahns. Since 2021, T-Mobile has been working on upgrading its network in Utah and added more than 192 […]
الوارد: يخضع تطبيق Samsung Game Launcher لتغيير الاسم ويقدم ميزات جديدة مثيرة

Samsung’s latest One UI 6.0 update has brought a plethora of changes to the user interface and pre-installed apps. One such app is the Game Launcher, which received updates even before the stable version of One UI 6.0 was released. The Game Launcher will now be known as Gaming Hub starting from Android OS version […]
يقال إن شركة Xiaomi تستعد لإطلاق أول هاتف قابل للطي على طراز Flip-Style في عام 2024 ... مرة أخرى

Phones Canada Team has received exciting news about Xiaomi’s upcoming foldable phones. According to reports, Xiaomi has been working on a rival to Samsung’s Galaxy Z Flip since June, and it is expected to be released in the first quarter of 2024. In addition to this flip-style foldable phone, Xiaomi is also developing their fourth-generation […]
مضاعفات تصميم iPhone 16 المتوقعة: قد يتطلب الزر الإضافي من Apple تغيير موقع الهوائي

A tipster on China’s Weibo social media site with the handle Instant Digital says that the Apple 16 series could have an extra button. To make room for this new button, the tipster says that Apple will be moving the mmWave antenna from the right side of the device to the left. Yes, we don’t […]