وقع بايدن على قانون بيع شبكات الجيل الخامس 5G، الذي يمنح T-Mobile تحكمًا إضافيًا في النطاق المتوسط بتردد 2.5 جيجا هرتز

With both the Senate and the House passing the act, it was up to President Joe Biden to sign it, which he now has done. As a result, the FCC has temporary authorization to transfer to T-Mobile the 2.5GHz licenses. However, there is some grumbling because the 5G SALE Act provides the FCC with only […]

تواجه SiriusXM ادعاءات بجعل من الصعب على المستهلكين إلغاء الاشتراكات، المتهمة بـ "محاصرة" العملاء.

It can be a stressful situation when you’re trying to cancel a subscription, but the process is unnecessarily difficult. New York Attorney General Letitia James has filed a lawsuit against SiriusXM accusing the company of making it hard for subscribers to cancel their accounts by “maintaining deliberately long and burdensome cancellation processes.” According to the […]