نجح الباحثون في تطوير نموذج أولي لرقاقة أشباه الموصلات المستندة إلى الضوء لاتصالات الجيل التالي من الجيلين 6G و7G.

6G: Photonic light-based communications chips for mobile devices Did you ever wonder about 6G? We are going to be using 5G as our first line of mobile connectivity until 2030, but there is no time like the present to get the wireless standards for 6G set up. According to an article published last month by […]

في العام المقبل، تخطط شركة Apple لجلب ميزة رئيسية في AirPods Pro إلى الطراز غير الاحترافي

Apple intends to offer two different versions of its non-Pro AirPods next year, according to Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman in his weekly “Power On” newsletter. Gurman believes that the upcoming third-generation AirPods, priced at $179, are lacking significant features that would differentiate them from the second-gen AirPods priced at $129. This may lead consumers to choose […]