لا يوجد اتصال SOS عبر الأقمار الصناعية ثنائي الاتجاه على Galaxy S24؟ تجربة ديجا فو.

Samsung’s MX (mobile experience) unit head, TM Roh, previously stated that the satellite functionality is “too limited” for the Galaxy S23 series. However, Samsung has been testing the Galaxy S24 with South Korean network operators, and there is “no mention of two-way satellite connectivity on the phone”. This might come as a disappointment for those […]

تقدم سامسونج هاتف Galaxy M15 ببطارية تبلغ سعتها 6000 مللي أمبير في الساعة في إعادة تسمية العلامة التجارية المنفصلة عن A15

Samsung is known for its popular “S”, “Z”, and “A” series smartphones, but the company also offers budget-friendly mid-range devices under the “M” series. These M-series phones are typically targeted at Asian and developing markets and offer some unique features that set them apart from the A-series. One example is the Galaxy M54, which features […]

تنقذ Apple Watch رجلين من خلال تنبيههما إلى أمراض قلبية تهدد حياتهما، مما يؤدي إلى إجراء العمليات الجراحية اللازمة للبقاء على قيد الحياة

Two Apple Watch users recently shared their stories of how the device saved their lives. One of them hails from Wichita, Kansas, where a man named Michael received an Apple Watch as a gift from his son, Nick. The watch notified Nick that Michael’s heart rate had dropped to dangerously low levels. Nick immediately took […]