وقبل إطلاقه، تظهر صور جديدة عالية الدقة للهاتف Asus ROG Phone 8

For those of you eagerly awaiting Asus’ new gaming phone, the ROG Phone 8, you’re in for a treat! We have high-resolution images of the device from nearly every angle (via MySmartPrice). The ROG Phone 8 and ROG Phone 8 Pro are set to be officially unveiled on January 16. Initially, they will be available […]
تعلن T-Mobile عن تحديثات لميزة Netflix المجانية، Netflix on Us

T-Mobile Changes to Its Netflix on Us Freebie T-Mobile has been making a lot of changes to its plans in the last couple of weeks, and many of these changes have been in customers’ favor. Unfortunately, the upcoming change to the Netflix on Us freebie is a mixed bag. As many of you are aware, […]
Apple تسحب iOS 17.3 Beta 2 بسبب مشكلة Boot Loop على أجهزة iPhone

Apple has withdrawn iOS 17.3 beta 2 from the update list following reports of a boot loop issue experienced by users. The problem seems to occur on iPhone 12, iPhone 13, iPhone 14, and iPhone 15 models with the Back Tap feature enabled. This feature allows users to tap the back of their phones two […]
يشير تحليل الكود الجديد إلى أن مساعد Google مع تكامل Bard قد يكون جاهزًا لوقت الذروة

Get ready for a smarter, more versatile Google Assistant A deep dive into the app’s code reveals exciting details about “Assistant with Bard,” the merger of the classic assistant and Google’s powerful AI, Bard. While Google has yet to announce a firm launch date for its AI-enhanced Assistant with Bard, which is expected to fully […]
HarmonyOS سيتفوق على iOS باعتباره ثاني أكبر منصة في الصين بحلول عام 2024، وفقًا لما تتوقعه شركة Huawei

Android is the top operating system in China with iOS second. But according to TechInsights (via SouthChinaMorningPost) there is going to be a major shakeup this year. Thanks to Huawei’s shocking release of the Mate 60 line last year, the first 5G phone produced by the company in three years despite U.S. sanctions, HarmonyOS will […]
تتلقى طرز Pixel المؤهلة تحديث شهر يناير مع إصلاحات الكاميرا وواجهة المستخدم

Phones Canada has recently pointed out that Google might have returned to its previous goal of pushing out its monthly updates on the first Monday of every month. However, this month’s first Monday was a holiday (New Year’s Day), and therefore Google waited until today to release the first update of the year for eligible […]
تقوم Google بتجربة اختصار جديد لمستخدمي Pixel: مدير كلمات المرور

The Google Password Manager is a useful tool on Android devices as it stores passwords and will even help users create strong passwords. It also supports passkeys which Google has been promoting as being faster than passwords but with more security. The problem with Google Password Manager is that Google buried it deep inside Android […]
لا شيء هاتف (2) يتلقى الإصلاح العاجل 2.5.1a لتحسين مزامنة الموسيقى في واجهة Glyph

The Nothing Phone (2)’s signature LED interface, the Glyph, received a subtle but impactful upgrade in the latest Nothing OS 2.5.1a hotfix update. While the changelog may be short, the changes improve the phone’s music synchronization capabilities, enhancing the immersive experience. Although not specified in the release notes published via a Nothing Community blog post, […]
ساعة Apple Watch تنقذ حياة شخص من خلال مكالمة سريعة للمساعدة

The Apple Watch has proven to be a lifesaver with its various health and safety features. One such feature is the SOS button, which saved the life of Delaware student Natalie Nasatka. She was experiencing extreme exhaustion and blurry vision due to a faulty heater filling her apartment with carbon monoxide, a gas that is […]
Honor تكشف عن هاتف Magic 6 Pro مع نتوء للكاميرا مستوحى من تصميم الساعات الفاخرة

تثير شركة Honor تصميم هاتف Magic 6 Pro القادم، والذي يتضمن تصميمًا جديدًا ومثيرًا للاهتمام للكاميرا. ووفقا للرئيس التنفيذي لشركة Honor، جورج تشاو، فإن التصميم الجديد مستوحى من الحضارة التاريخية وجمال الطبيعة. وتكشف الصورة عن المظهر الأنيق والمستقبلي للهاتف ولون اسمه Haihu Qing، مستوحى من بحيرة Qinghai الصينية.