يقول التقرير إن شركة Apple ستكون أول متلقي لرقائق TSMC بدقة 2 نانومتر بدءًا من عام 2025

In 2020, Apple and Huawei were the first to use TSMC’s 5nm process node for their A14 Bionic and Kirin 9000 SoC chipsets. Later, TSMC produced the first and only 3nm chip for use in a smartphone, the A17 Pro, which powers the iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max. The smaller the process […]
هل تعد كاميرا Galaxy S24 والألوان الطبيعية خروجًا عن تشبع علامة Galaxy التجارية أم الطريق إلى الأمام؟

Samsung’s decision to move towards more natural-looking colors with the upcoming Galaxy S24 Ultra has been confirmed in our first camera samples. The known ‘Galaxy look’ of bright and vivid colors is now gone, and the switch to more natural tones is an exciting change. The previous Galaxy look was characterized by oversaturated, very vivid […]
هل تواجه مشكلات في تثبيت iOS 17.3 على جهاز iPhone الخاص بك؟ إليك الحل البديل الذي يمكنك تجربته

iPhone users need to install iOS 17.3 immediately. The update includes the Stolen Device Protection feature, which makes it harder for someone to access your financial apps and personal data by getting your passcode and turning your iPhone into their own. Additionally, the Collaborative Apple Music Playlist feature allows friends to help create a playlist […]
إنتاج وتركيب درع زجاج الغوريلا

Modern smartphones are delicate and prone to damage, which is why protective cases are so popular. One of the key components in smartphone durability is the screen, which needs tough, transparent material to resist scratches and damage. That’s where Gorilla Glass comes in. The first iPhone had a plastic screen that quickly got scratched. To […]
تقول التقارير إن Google توقف تحديث نظام Google Play مؤقتًا لمعالجة مشكلة خطأ تخزين Pixel

Amidst the ongoing issue of some Pixel devices running multiple profiles encountering a device storage bug upon installing the latest Google Play System update, the company has decided to halt the rollout to avoid further damage. The issues that were initially reported include the internal storage not being mounted, camera crashes, the Files app not […]
يستغل مجرمو الإنترنت تطبيقات الدفع الشائعة، مثل Zelle وVenmo، لسرقة الأموال من مستخدمي الأجهزة المحمولة

Mobile payment apps like Zelle, Venmo, and Cash App are at risk of being targeted by criminals who can easily drain money from your bank account. Unauthorized users can gain access to an unlocked device and use it to make purchases through these apps by exploiting financial data to open new accounts.
تجربة الشمولية الحقيقية: في المستقبل القريب، سيكون من الممكن مراسلة مستخدمي WhatsApp دون الحاجة إلى حساب WhatsApp.

It’s a major pain in the rear when you are dying to text someone and it turns out they don’t use the same messaging apps as you. Instead of downloading and setting up a (yet another) new messaging app, it could be great to text your WhatsApp friends from your Signal. That’s the inclusivity we, […]
تطلق Google تصحيح Android 14 QPR2 Beta 3.1 لإصلاح الأخطاء لأجهزة Pixel

Google has released a patch for Android 14 QPR2 Beta 3, soon after it was launched only two weeks ago. It fixes a host of minor bugs that have been discovered on numerous devices. The patch, named Android 14 QPR2 Beta 3.1 (AP11.231215.009), targets the following devices: Pixel 5a, Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel […]
مسؤول سامسونج يقول إن ساعة Galaxy Watch لمراقبة نسبة الجلوكوز في الدم غير الغازية قادمة، ولكن ليس بعد

Each tech manufacturer is constantly trying to be the first to come out with the next big thing, all for the sake of being the first to introduce a new upgrade. And in this era where it seems we have reached a certain plateau in terms of mobile tech evolution, new upgrades are more important […]
يحث رئيس شركة Samsung على استخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي حيث تبين أن هواتف Galaxy أقل إرضاءً من أجهزة iPhone في بعض الجوانب

Samsung is focused on improving its AI technology to better meet customer needs and challenges related to iPhone performance. Samsung’s recent strategy meeting emphasized the need to prioritize customer perspectives and provide generative AI services. There is a strong sense of urgency at Samsung to stay competitive in the AI market and not fall behind. […]