دعوى جماعية ضد شركة Apple تؤدي إلى فحص ثانٍ غير متوقع لأعضاء الفصل

In 2022, Apple initiated a class-action suit payment to customers, totaling a $95 million settlement. The suit claimed that Apple violated the terms of its AppleCare extended warranty by sending customers eligible for replacement devices one that was refurbished, rather than new or equivalent to new in performance and reliability as outlined in the AppleCare […]
تعترف Google بمعلومات مفاجئة في إخلاء المسؤولية عن وضع التصفح المتخفي المحدث

When Google Chrome’s Incognito mode is enabled on your phone, it means that none of your browsing history or information entered into forms can be seen by someone who has access to your device or shares the device with you. So if you have been looking online to buy a present for a relative, the […]
تم الكشف عن أسرع هاتف في الولايات المتحدة خلال الربع الرابع في تقرير Speedtest من Ookla

According to Ookla’s latest Speedtest Intelligence test, the iPhone 15 Pro Max was the fastest smartphone in the U.S. during the fourth quarter. It delivered median download speeds of 213.84Mbps, outpacing other devices such as the iPhone 15 Pro, Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4, Galaxy S23 Ultra, and iPhone 15. In addition to the fastest […]
نقل البيانات بين أجهزة iPhone: دليل خطوة بخطوة
عندما تحصل على جهاز iPhone جديد تمامًا، يكون الأمر دائمًا مثيرًا، خاصة إذا كان مزودًا بصفقة كبيرة، ولكن نقل جميع بياناتك قد يكون أمرًا صعبًا بعض الشيء. لحسن الحظ، فإن نقل جميع معلوماتك المهمة من جهاز iPhone القديم إلى جهازك الجديد ليس بالأمر الصعب للغاية. فيما يلي بعض الطرق البسيطة لتحقيق ذلك.
تتفوق T-Mobile على Verizon وAT&T في أحدث تقرير لـ Speedtest Intelligence

According to the latest Speedtest Intelligence report from Ookla, T-Mobile was the fastest wireless carrier in the U.S. during the fourth quarter of 2023, with a median download speed of 188.96Mbps. This was more than double the median download speeds of second-place Verizon and AT&T. T-Mobile also led in median upload speed and had lower […]
تدحض Google الادعاءات بأن حالات التباطؤ في YouTube مرتبطة بجهود الكشف عن أداة حظر الإعلانات

Google has been in the middle of another controversy this week, as reports claim that YouTube has started slowing video buffer with ad-block enabled. We assumed that Google has decided to ramp up its efforts to prevent YouTube users from using ad-blockers, which seriously affects the platform monetization model. YouTube reiterated numerous times in the […]
احتفظ iPhone 15 بقيمته الأفضل في عام 2023، بينما سرق Galaxy S23 الأضواء

The year 2024 has come to a close, and it’s worth taking a look back at the top smartphones of 2023 and how they held their value. SellCell, an online smartphone marketplace and price comparison site, has published a report that provides insight into how different brands fared in terms of depreciation. Apple’s smartphones have […]
يمكن أن توفر شرائح Snapdragon 7 Plus من الجيل التالي طاقة رائدة للهواتف متوسطة المدى

Last year, Qualcomm rolled out the Snapdragon 7 Plus Gen 2 processor, bringing a hefty performance boost to mid-range phones. Now, the buzz is building up for another substantial upgrade in the next Snapdragon 7 Plus chipset. According to a post on Weibo by the tipster Digital Chat Station (via Android Authority), the upcoming Snapdragon […]
تأخر Xiaomi 14 عن الحفلة: ما سبب تجنب Galaxy S24؟

Xiaomi 14’s release date has left many people disappointed, and for good reason. The Xiaomi 14 has been available in China for nearly three months. This indicates that it is not due to lack of product development that the global release is being delayed. The Xiaomi 14 Pro boasts impressive hardware, with features such as […]
ربما يكون إنتاج أجهزة OLED iPad Pros الجديدة قيد التقدم بالفعل

Apple is rumored to be unveiling two new iPad Air models and two new OLED iPad Pro models in March this year, and recent reports are backing up those rumors. According to Korean news source THE ELEC, LG is already producing displays for the 13-inch iPad Pro, while OLED panels for the 11-inch model are […]