يُشاع أن التحديث النادر للبكسلات التي تعمل بالموتر وشيك

The Kernel is the core program used on Android devices to run the CPU, manage memory, act as the liaison between software and hardware, control system resources, and more. If your Android phone uses a kernel that is dated, its performance might lag and the device might not be as secure as you’d like or […]
Rumor: Samsung’s Galaxy A55 takes a step back with no telephoto, but keeps the Galaxy A51’s macro feature

Somebody ought to visit South Korea’s Samsung headquarters, get to the Galaxy mid-rangers department floor, then find out who’s working on the upcoming Galaxy A55 and rush into their office. No doubt there will be a 2020 calendar hanging on the wall. It’s 2024, time to move on! This little rant is inspired by the […]
يعلن CES عن آخر تحديثات تطبيق Google للملاحة، مما يجعل السيارات أكثر ذكاءً باستخدام تقنية Android

At CES 2024, the focus is on the advancements in technology, with one standout area being the impact of Android on the automotive industry. Android Auto and cars with Google built-in are receiving updates and forming new partnerships, promising an enhanced driving experience. Navigation Electric vehicle owners will benefit from real-time battery information on Google […]
يقدم Instagram و Facebook لوائح أكثر صرامة لحسابات المراهقين

Meta announced it will start hiding harmful content for Instagram and Facebook teen accounts. The company confirmed that it will automatically place all teens accounts into “the most restrictive control settings” on both its social networks, Instagram and Facebook. New teens who join Instagram and Facebook will now have their accounts placed into the most […]
أصبح مستخدمو iPhone على بعد خطوة واحدة من الإصدار الثابت من iOS 17.3 مع الإصدار التجريبي الجديد.

طرحت شركة Apple اليوم الإصدار التجريبي الثالث من نظام التشغيل iOS 17.3 للمطورين، مما يشير إلى أنه من المحتمل إصدار الإصدار العام من الإصدار التجريبي في الأيام القليلة المقبلة. تعد ميزة حماية الأجهزة المسروقة المرتقبة هي أهم إضافة جديدة يتطلع إليها مستخدمو iPhone بمجرد توفر الإصدار المستقر النهائي من iOS 17.3.
في مثل هذا اليوم قبل 17 عامًا، غيَّر ستيف جوبز وأبل العالم

It was 17 years ago today-17 years!-when the late Steve Jobs stepped on stage at Macworld 2007 and literally changed the world. For on this date 17 years ago, Jobs introduced the iPhone to a boisterous crowd in San Francisco. And make no mistake about it, the executive knew exactly what he had in his […]
في مثل هذا اليوم قبل 17 عامًا، أحدث ستيف جوبز وأبل ثورة في العالم

Today marks the 17th anniversary of a pivotal moment in the history of smartphones: the late Steve Jobs taking the stage at Macworld 2007 to introduce the first iPhone. Jobs’ announcement changed the world as we know it, and his presentation remains a masterclass in unveiling new technology. Despite its imperfections, the original iPhone set […]
تودع سامسونج شاشات العرض المنحنية بعد عقد من الزمن – وهي الميزة المميزة لهواتف Galaxy S24

Samsung pioneered curved smartphone displays with the Galaxy Round (2013) and Galaxy Note Edge (2014) some ten years ago. Curved screens were novel and pretty to look at, and they quickly picked up in popularity, especially after the launch of the voluptuous Galaxy S6 Edge (2015). Soon after that, companies (some of them display-makers) like […]
أبرز أحداث CES: Google وAndroid يسرقان العرض من خلال المشاركة والإرسال وAndroid Auto والتحسينات الأخرى

Google has shown off a host of updates at CES 2024 that will improve the Android ecosystem’s compatibility with connected devices, making it easier to share files, cast more content, and connect your car to Google services in better ways. This means that your phone, laptop, TV, and even your car will have more features that work together.
تقدم TCL العديد من الهواتف الذكية من السلسلة 50 وجهازين لوحيين جديدين من نوع NXTPAPER

New Tablets and Smartphones from TCL Just like every other year, TCL is showcasing its new lineup of phones and tablets at CES. This time around we’ll be talking about two new tablets and no less than five new 50 Series smartphones. One of the most important devices announced this week seems to be the […]