نقدم لكم هاتف Motorola $90 الذي يعمل بنظام التشغيل Android 14 بسعر معقول: تغيير قواعد اللعبة في مجال الاتصالات!

Introducing the Motorola Moto G04: The World’s Cheapest Android 14 Phone Motorola has just unveiled the Motorola Moto G04, which could be considered the world’s most affordable phone running on Android 14. With a starting price of just $85, this budget-friendly smartphone is set to be released on February 22. The top-tier Moto G04 model […]

النصر: رجل يتفوق على برنامج الدردشة الآلي التابع لشركة Air Canada في قضية المعلومات المضللة • مدونة iPhones Canada

In a recent groundbreaking ruling, the B.C. civil resolution tribunal sided with Jake Moffatt, a passenger who challenged Air Canada’s refusal to honor a bereavement fare discount mistakenly promised by the airline’s online AI-powered chatbot. This case highlights the legal challenges that companies face as they increasingly rely on artificial intelligence for customer service. Moffatt […]

دعوى قضائية لشركة T-Mobile تكشف ثغرة أمنية مروعة في بيانات العملاء أمام المتسللين في كندا

T-Mobile Accused of Exposing Customer Data to Hackers Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a powerful tool used by many big companies to gain a competitive edge, but T-Mobile’s approach is raising concerns about the security of its customer data. Investor Jenna Harper has filed a lawsuit against T-Mobile, alleging that the company’s use of AI and […]

اكتشف آخر أخبار iPhone في كندا: مدونة الدوبامين 2.0

Are you still interested in jailbreaking your iPhone or iPad? If so, the latest jailbreak, Dopamine 2.0, has just been released and is compatible with iOS 15.0 through 16.6.1 for devices equipped with arm64 (A9 and newer chips), including M1 and M2. Here’s a breakdown of Dopamine 2.0 compatibility: – iOS 15.0 to 16.5.1 for […]