أهم أخبار ومراجعات iPhone في كندا: مصدرك الموثوق لتحديثات الاتصالات

The Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) has recently released two reports to Parliament, shedding light on severe security flaws within various federal departments. These breaches have put the privacy of Canadians at risk, emphasizing the need for stronger security measures in the telecommunications sector. Key points from the investigations include: – Cyberattacks on the Employment […]

وداع الأحفوري: كيف قامت شركات التكنولوجيا الكبرى بتخويف صانع الساعات المحبوب خارج اللعبة

Fossil’s Farewell: Reflecting on the Smartwatch Journey As a big fan of Fossil’s traditional watches and accessories, I was excited when they entered the smartwatch market. Fashion and tech combined? Count me in! However, despite their stylish designs and features, Fossil’s smartwatches didn’t quite reach cult status. In 2024, the company decided to exit the […]

أطلق العنان لإبداعك مع iPhone 15: لماذا يفشل iPhone 15 Pro

The iPhone 15 Pro has been receiving some mixed reviews lately, with users expressing dissatisfaction with the device. A recent PerfectRec report revealed that the iPhone 15 Pro is getting less love from the public compared to the vanilla iPhone 15, which is receiving more positive feedback. In late October 2023, a PerfectRec report analyzed […]

إحداث ثورة في إنشاء مقاطع الفيديو: يقوم نموذج Sora AI من OpenAI بإنشاء مقاطع فيديو قصيرة من المطالبات

Artificial intelligence is taking the tech world by storm, and the latest player in this game is OpenAI with its new Sora video-generation model. This innovative AI tool can create realistic and imaginative scenes from text instructions, allowing users to produce photorealistic videos up to a minute long based on written prompts.

شائعات تدور حول انتهاء الشراكة بين OnePlus وOppo Hasselblad، وانتهاء التعاون بين Vivo وZeiss؟

تلتزم شركة Phones Canada بإبقائك مطلعًا على آخر الأخبار والاتجاهات في عالم الهواتف الذكية. اليوم، نلقي نظرة فاحصة على شراكات الكاميرا بين بعض العلامات التجارية الصينية المفضلة للهواتف الذكية وشركات التصوير الفوتوغرافي الأسطورية، بالإضافة إلى الشائعات التي تفيد بأن هذه الشراكات قد تكون على وشك الانتهاء.

احمِ نفسك: يهدد برنامج iOS GoldDigger Trojan مستخدمي iPhone باستخدام معرف الوجه وسرقة الحساب البنكي

iPhones vs Android Phones: New Banking Trojan Poses Threat to iOS Users Many people choose iPhones over Android phones because they believe iPhones are more secure. However, a new banking trojan has been discovered, specifically targeting iPhone and iPad users. According to a detailed report by the cybersecurity company Group-IB, the Android trojan GoldDigger has […]