الكشف عن تصميم سامسونج المتعمد: شاشة Galaxy S24 Ultra الصامتة

The Samsung Galaxy S24 series has been making waves in the market, breaking records and flying off the shelves. However, some users have raised concerns about the display of the Galaxy S24 Ultra, noting that it shows muted colors when switched to Vivid color mode. Initially, there were speculations that this issue was due to […]
حكم تاريخي: يمكن للملايين الآن مقاضاة شركة Apple حيث تكتسب الدعوى الجماعية ضد متجر التطبيقات قوة جذب

Apple Faces Class-Action Lawsuit Over App Store Monopoly Apple is no stranger to legal battles, and it seems that the tech giant’s legal team is facing yet another challenge. According to Reuters, a federal judge has given the green light for tens of millions of Apple customers to proceed with a class-action lawsuit. The lawsuit […]
تعلن Google عن خطط لتطبيق YouTube على Vision Pro: تغيير قواعد اللعبة في مجال الاتصالات

قد يؤدي السعر المرتفع لجهاز Vision Pro (الذي يبدأ من $3,499) إلى ردع بعض المشترين المحتملين، لكن التعليقات المبكرة من المستخدمين تشير إلى أن شركة Apple تقدم لمحة عن مستقبل الحوسبة. لقد تم اقتراح أن Vision Pro يمكن أن يتطور في النهاية إلى زوج من النظارات الذكية، ومن المحتمل أن يحل محل iPhone.
تسريح العمال في الصناعة: Snap Axes 500 وظيفة • مدونة iPhone في كندا

Snapchat’s parent company, Snap, has recently announced a decision to reduce its global workforce by 10%, affecting about 500 employees. This move comes as part of the company’s strategy to promote in-person collaboration, with the aim of streamlining its operations and reducing hierarchy. Here’s what you need to know about this development in the tech […]
أفضل خطط الهاتف المدفوعة مسبقًا في كندا: خيارات مرنة لكل ميزانية

Are you considering a prepaid cell phone plan? It offers more flexibility than monthly contracts, allowing you to control your monthly spending and switch providers whenever you find a better deal. At Phones Canada, we’ve reviewed the best prepaid plans in Canada for February 2024, focusing on low prices, great perks, and extensive coverage. Fido’s […]
هواوي تبطئ إنتاج Mate 60 بعد بيع 30 مليونًا: ما وراء هذا التحول؟

The mobile phone industry has seen some exciting developments in late summer and early fall of 2023, with the release of the iPhone 15 line and Huawei’s 5G-capable Mate 60. However, Huawei’s production of the Mate 60 line has been slowed down for a reason that may surprise you. Huawei’s focus on AI has led […]
ابق على اطلاع دائم مع تحديث Google Pixel Android 14 لشهر فبراير لتحسين الوظائف والأمان

Google Releases February Pixel Android 14 Update with Functional and Security Patches It’s that time of the month again! Google is rolling out the February functional and security patches for eligible Pixel devices, including the Pixel 5a (5G) through the Pixel 8 Pro, as well as the Pixel Tablet and the Pixel Fold. How to […]
مراجعة عملية حصرية لجهاز OnePlus 12R: الأحدث في ابتكارات الاتصالات | هواتف كندا

The OnePlus 12R has finally arrived in Canada, and we’re here with a quick take on this budget-friendly smartphone that’s ready to challenge flagships at a fraction of the price. Here’s what you need to know about this new device: – Trinity Engine: The heart of the OnePlus 12R is its Trinity Engine, enhancing CPU, […]
عروض بيل على الإنترنت التي لا تقبل المنافسة: أفضل الخطط لعام 2024 في كندا

Bell is one of Canada’s largest internet service providers, offering fibre and DSL internet to millions of Canadians. With several regional competitors, prices can vary depending on the province, making it essential to know where to look for the best deals. At Phones Canada, we’ve handpicked the top Bell internet plans for February 2024. Our […]
تحديث كاميرا Galaxy S24 من سامسونج: معالجة الشكاوى والترقيات

The Galaxy S24 series has been released and, as expected, it has garnered mixed reviews. While many users and reviewers are pleased with the new handsets, there have been some complaints raised. Some of the issues can be attributed to bugs, while others may be related to inherent hardware problems. Additionally, there have been concerns […]