انضم إلى Telus كمختبر تجريبي للمنزل الذكي: احصل على آخر أخبار iPhone على مدونة Phones Canada!

Attention all tech-savvy Canadians! Telus is looking for people like you to join their exclusive SmartHome+ Beta program. This is your chance to test out cutting-edge smart home technology and provide valuable feedback before it hits the market. Here’s everything you need to know about this exciting opportunity: Who Can Join? The SmartHome+ Beta program […]
احصل على السبق الصحفي الداخلي: ملخصات رسائل Android Auto AI التي كشفت عنها Google

Google has revealed more details about the upcoming AI summaries for Android Auto, set to be powered by the Google Assistant. This feature is designed to provide safer driving by summarizing long texts and group chats while on the road. Here’s what we know so far: – The AI summaries will be triggered for messages […]
لماذا يفضل كبار المليارديرات هواتف Android الرائدة على iPhone 15: الكشف عن اختيار النخبة للاتصالات

Apple has revolutionized the world of marketing, establishing itself as a luxury brand and positioning the iPhone as a status symbol. Despite the fact that Android phones can be more expensive than iPhones, the latter are perceived as high-status smartphones in today’s society. But what about the actual high-status individuals? What smartphone brands do the […]
صفقة لا تقبل المنافسة: احصل على Libero Flip من ZTE، الهاتف القابل للطي ذو التكلفة المعقولة والموثوق، بسعر $420 فقط في كندا

Introducing the ZTE Libero Flip: The World’s Cheapest Foldable Phone The latest addition to the world of foldable phones is here, and it won’t break the bank. The ZTE Libero Flip, a brand-new clamshell, is now available in Japan for approximately $420, with pre-orders already open and an expected release date of February 29. Is […]
اكتشف أفضل قيمة في مجال الاتصالات مع جهاز Garmin Forerunner 165 ذو الأسعار المعقولة

Garmin has just launched a new smartwatch, the Forerunner 165, which is set to give the Apple Watch and Samsung Galaxy Watch a run for their money. Priced at only $249.99, the Forerunner 165 is a budget-friendly alternative that does not compromise on features and capabilities. Key features of the Forerunner 165 include: – AMOLED […]
احتفال مثير بيوم Pokémon 2024: لا تفوت حدث Pokémon Presents في 27 فبراير • iPhone in Canada Blog

Phones Canada is excited to share that The Pokémon Company has just announced a special Pokémon Presents event scheduled for Tuesday, February 27th in celebration of Pokémon Day 2024. The event promises to bring exciting news about the Pokémon franchise for the year ahead. Here’s what you need to know about this upcoming event:
معرض شركاء الاتصالات المثير يأتي في 21 فبراير! | مدونة هواتف كندا

Nintendo is gearing up for its first official Direct showcase of the year, and it’s called the ‘Nintendo Direct: Partner Showcase.’ This special event is set to take place on Wednesday, February 21st, 2024, and will last approximately 25 minutes. The focus will be on “Nintendo Switch games coming in the first half of 2024 […]
الاتحاد الأوروبي يحقق في TikTok بشأن انتهاكات سلامة الأطفال: غرامات ضخمة محتملة تلوح في الأفق

The European Union has set its sights on tech companies once again, with TikTok being the latest target of their scrutiny. The EU is launching an investigation into whether the popular social media platform has violated regulations designed to protect children and ensure transparent advertising. If found guilty, TikTok could face a substantial fine. The […]
اكتشف ملحقات Galaxy S24 الأنيقة والمستدامة من سامسونج في كندا

حققت شركة Samsung نجاحًا كبيرًا مع هاتف Galaxy S24، والآن تخطو شركة التكنولوجيا العملاقة خطوة أخرى إلى الأمام من خلال إطلاق خطها الجديد من الملحقات المصممة بشكل فريد والتي تسمى Samsung Eco-Friends. هذه الملحقات ليست أنيقة فحسب، بل صديقة للبيئة أيضًا، مما يجعلها ضرورية لجميع مالكي سلسلة Galaxy S24.
من المقرر إطلاق Galaxy Ring الجديد المزود بتخطيط القلب وتتبع تدفق الدم ودعم الدفع في يوليو - لا تفوت الفرصة!

Samsung recently unveiled its latest flagship Galaxy S24 series, featuring the innovative Galaxy AI with multiple AI features. Alongside this exciting release, Samsung also provided a glimpse of its upcoming smart device – the Galaxy Ring. Rumors suggest that the Galaxy Ring will make its debut at Samsung’s Unpacked event in July, alongside the next-gen […]