إطلاق العنان للنجاح: شركة Cineplex تحقق أرباحًا تبلغ $40 مليونًا من خلال رسوم الحجز عبر الإنترنت • تقرير Phones Canada

Cineplex is facing scrutiny from the Competition Bureau for allegedly deceptive marketing practices related to online booking fees. The company has reportedly made nearly $40 million from these fees, sparking controversy over how they are presented to consumers. Key Points: – Cineplex collected over $11.6 million within six months of introducing the $1.50 online booking […]

اكتشف آخر تحديثات الاتصالات: تم الكشف عن تغييرات في خطة الهواتف المحمولة Rogers وTelus وBell في 28 فبراير • مدونة iPhone في كندا

Looking for the latest Canadian cellphone plan and device deals? Look no further! Our partner PlanHub has compiled a list of the most up-to-date promos from wireless carriers like Rogers, Telus, and Bell. Check out the current offers as of Wednesday, February 28, 2024: **Bell** – **Noticeable price changes:** – **New deals:** – Pure fibre […]

أخبار مثيرة: جهات اتصال Google تقدم أداة الشاشة الرئيسية للرسائل النصية!

Google Contacts, known for its occasional functionality updates, may soon receive a significant upgrade that includes a new home screen widget and revamped user interface. The update, currently in the testing phase with no confirmed deployment timeline, promises to enhance user experience and streamline contact management. Key highlights of the anticipated Google Contacts update include: […]