اكتشف سبب اختيار مستخدمي Android لنماذج iPhone ذات الأسعار المعقولة - اكتشف أفضل اختيارات الهواتف في كندا!

Are you an Android user thinking about making the switch to an iPhone? According to a recent report from CIRP, here are some interesting insights into the purchasing behavior of Android users who have switched to iPhone: – In the past few years, there has been a steady increase in the percentage of Android users […]

إطلاق العنان للنجاح: شركة Cineplex تحقق أرباحًا تبلغ $40 مليونًا من خلال رسوم الحجز عبر الإنترنت • تقرير Phones Canada

Cineplex is facing scrutiny from the Competition Bureau for allegedly deceptive marketing practices related to online booking fees. The company has reportedly made nearly $40 million from these fees, sparking controversy over how they are presented to consumers. Key Points: – Cineplex collected over $11.6 million within six months of introducing the $1.50 online booking […]

اكتشف آخر تحديثات الاتصالات: تم الكشف عن تغييرات في خطة الهواتف المحمولة Rogers وTelus وBell في 28 فبراير • مدونة iPhone في كندا

Looking for the latest Canadian cellphone plan and device deals? Look no further! Our partner PlanHub has compiled a list of the most up-to-date promos from wireless carriers like Rogers, Telus, and Bell. Check out the current offers as of Wednesday, February 28, 2024: **Bell** – **Noticeable price changes:** – **New deals:** – Pure fibre […]