عزز تنظيم ملفاتك باستخدام Google Drive على نظام Android: فئات جديدة ستتوفر قريبًا!

Google Drive users, rejoice! Google is testing a new feature that will revolutionize the way you organize your files. The new “Categories” feature promises to provide a more efficient and user-friendly way to keep your Drive tidy. Unlike the current “labels” feature, which is limited to Workspace admins, “Categories” will be available to all Google […]

حصريًا: هاتف Apple Vision Pro الفاخر من الذهب عيار 18 قيراطًا من Caviar سيظهر لأول مرة في عام 2025 - تكشف شركة Phones Canada عن أحدث كنز iPhone!

Phones Canada is excited to share the latest news about Caviar’s upcoming release of the custom 18-karat gold-plated Apple Vision Pro next year. Crafted with Connolly leather for the headband and featuring a gold visor cover attachment inspired by iconic fashion pieces, this limited edition piece will surely turn heads. Here are some key highlights […]

شركة Apple تحل دعوى قضائية بقيمة $490 مليون بعد تعليقات تيم كوك على المبيعات في الصين • الهواتف أخبار كندا

Apple has reached a $490 million settlement to address a class-action lawsuit accusing CEO Tim Cook of concealing decreasing iPhone demand in China, ultimately misleading shareholders. The agreement, filed in the U.S. District Court in Oakland, California, is pending approval from Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers. The lawsuit originated from Apple’s unexpected announcement on January 2, […]

آخر الأخبار: أهم تحديثات iPhone في كندا - مدونة Phones Canada

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) has come under fire for awarding $14.9 million in bonuses in 2023, according to records obtained by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF). This decision has raised concerns, especially after the CBC announced layoffs affecting many employees due to a $125 million budget shortfall. Franco Terrazzano, CTF Federal Director, criticized CBC […]

كندا تتفوق على سرعات النطاق العريض في الولايات المتحدة: اكتشف أحدث معايير الاتصالات السلكية واللاسلكية على مدونة كندا للهواتف

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has recently updated its criteria for broadband internet rollout, setting a new benchmark for high-speed fixed broadband. This change, the first major revision since 2015, now requires speeds of 100 megabits per second for downloads and 20 megabits per second for uploads, a significant increase from the previous standard […]