عملية التثبيت المثيرة للجدل من Apple: تيم سويني ينتقد التدفق المكون من 15 خطوة باعتباره "الأسوأ على الإطلاق" - اكتشف الأنماط المظلمة

In the ever-evolving world of technology, changes are always on the horizon. Recent developments include Huawei’s determination to produce 5G chips despite US sanctions and TikTok facing a potential ban in the USA. Apple, on the other hand, is adapting its operations in response to the EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA). With the introduction of […]

إطلاق العنان لإمكانات Apple Vision Pro: اكتشف 12 لغة جديدة للوحة المفاتيح الافتراضية تشير إلى مواقع الإطلاق المستقبلية • Phones Canada Blog

Apple is rumored to be expanding the language options for its Vision Pro virtual keyboard, with code suggesting that the mixed reality headset may launch in new markets soon. Currently, the Vision Pro virtual keyboard supports only English (US) and emojis, but indications are that 12 new languages could be added, opening up the possibility […]