قم بالترقية إلى iOS 17.4 لإجراء مكالمات فيديو سلسة: قل وداعًا للحظات المحرجة!

In a recent interview on MSNBC, Senator John Fetterman from Pennsylvania experienced an unexpected situation while using Zoom. During his response to a question, the new Reactions feature in iOS 17 mistook his air quotes gesture for peace signs, triggering virtual confetti to appear on screen. This incident highlights the potential for embarrassing or awkward […]

تضخ الحكومة $2 مليون للاتصالات بالإنترنت والهواتف المحمولة في الأقاليم الشمالية الغربية • تحديثات Phones Canada

The federal government has recently announced an exciting development in the telecommunications sector, with over $2 million in funding allocated to enhance high-speed Internet and mobile connectivity in underserved regions, particularly focusing on Indigenous communities in the Northwest Territories. Here are the key highlights of this initiative: – Northwestel will receive over $1.9 million to […]

تمنع صراعات Dish المالية الاستحواذ على طيف 800 ميجا هرتز من T-Mobile - ماذا يعني ذلك بالنسبة لصناعة الاتصالات

Phones Canada has been closely monitoring the ongoing story involving Dish’s option to purchase 13.5MHz of low-band 800MHz spectrum from T-Mobile. This option was initially granted to Dish as part of the agreements between T-Mobile and the FCC to approve T-Mobile’s acquisition of Sprint. Originally, Dish had until June 30th, 2023, to pay T-Mobile $3.59 […]

الجدل يحيط بقرار شركة Apple بشأن التحميل الجانبي في الاتحاد الأوروبي: iPhone في أخبار كندا

Apple has recently faced a flurry of inquiries from various government entities, both within the EU and globally, regarding the security implications of its decision to permit app sideloading. Here’s what you need to know: – **Digital Markets Act (DMA) Implementation**: Effective March 7, Apple will be required to facilitate alternative app stores on its […]

رفع Elon Musk دعوى قضائية ضد OpenAI والرئيس التنفيذي Sam Altman: آخر أخبار الاتصالات في كندا

Elon Musk has filed a lawsuit against OpenAI and its CEO, Sam Altman, alleging a departure from the company’s original mission to prioritize profits through its partnership with Microsoft. Here’s a breakdown of the key points in this legal battle: – Musk co-founded OpenAI in 2015 with the goal of developing artificial general intelligence for […]