اكتشف قصة ستيف! (مارتن) مع هذا الفيلم الوثائقي الآسر المكون من جزأين على Apple TV+ • أجهزة iPhone في كندا

Phones Canada is excited to announce that a new two-part documentary series featuring the iconic actor, comedian, and musician Steve Martin is now streaming on Apple TV+ in Canada. Titled “STEVE! (Martin) a Documentary in 2 Pieces,” this series offers a fresh perspective on Martin’s illustrious career. Directed by the Academy Award-winning filmmaker Morgan Neville, […]

استكشف عالم السفن الحربية المثير: الأساطير على نظامي iOS وAndroid - احصل على إصلاح سفينة حربية اليوم!

Phones Canada is excited to share the news that popular naval battle MMO World of Warships: Legends has officially launched on mobile platforms, thanks to developer Wargaming. Now available on both iOS and Android devices, this cross-platform free-to-play naval action game is sure to keep players entertained for hours on end. However, it’s important to […]