عمالقة الاتصالات يعدون بتخفيض الأسعار: الرؤساء التنفيذيون لروجرز وتيلوس وبيل يشهدون أمام أعضاء البرلمان • هواتف iPhone في كندا الأخبار

Are you curious about the recent discussions surrounding wireless prices in Canada? Let’s break it down for you in a professional yet friendly manner: – Recently, the CEOs of Rogers, Telus, and Bell virtually attended a meeting with the House of Commons industry committee to address the increase in wireless and internet prices. – Rogers […]

عرض حصري: وفر 25% على الخطة القياسية لمدة 3 أشهر في Crave - لفترة محدودة فقط! لا تفوت! | هواتف كندا

Phones Canada is excited to share that Crave is currently offering Canadians an exclusive deal on their Standard 3-month plan. From now until March 31, new, upgrading, and reactivating customers can enjoy a 25 percent discount on their subscription with Crave. Here are the key details of this limited-time offer: – With the discount, subscribers […]