إيرادات الربع الأول من العام تُعزز شركة Google، وتقود شركة Alphabet إلى طرح توزيعات الأرباح لأول مرة

Google’s Q1 2024 Earnings Report: A Strong Performance Google recently released its first-quarter earnings report for 2024, showcasing impressive growth in various areas of the business. Here are some key highlights from the report: – Advertising revenue surged during the first quarter, with Google Search experiencing a 14.4% increase to $46.2 billion and YouTube ad […]

ميزات الخصوصية المحسّنة: تقدم Threads خيارًا لإخفاء الكلمات والعبارات والرموز التعبيرية في التطبيق

Threads has been making significant strides in enhancing the user experience by introducing new features. One of the latest updates includes the ability to hide chosen words, phrases, and emojis throughout the app, allowing users to curate their content feed and interactions. The most notable change is the upgrade to Threads’ “Hidden Words” feature. Previously, […]