مايكروسوفت تعلن أن أجهزة الكمبيوتر الشخصية التي تعمل بنظام Windows Arm تستعد لتحدي شركة Apple • هيمنة iPhone في كندا – تحديث الهواتف في كندا

Microsoft is gearing up to shake up the tech market with its new Arm-powered “AI PCs,” set to be unveiled in an upcoming event in Seattle. This move is seen as a direct challenge to Apple’s dominance in the industry. Here’s what we know so far: – With these new Arm-powered Windows laptops, Microsoft is […]

LG تخرج من سوق الهواتف الأمريكية، وتبيع براءات الاختراع لشركة Opo: ماذا يعني هذا بالنسبة للاتصالات في كندا؟

LG, a company known for its innovative approach to phone design, has made the tough decision to exit the competitive phone market. Facing stiff competition from industry giants like Apple and Samsung, as well as emerging Chinese phone makers, LG has chosen to focus on other ventures. While many of us in the tech community […]

استمتع بتجربة البث المباشر لـ Solar Eclipse في كندا على مدونة Phones Canada - شاهد على جهاز iPhone الخاص بك الآن!

Today marks a rare celestial event as a total solar eclipse graces the skies, creating a breathtaking spectacle where the moon passes in front of the sun, casting its shadow on Earth. To witness this phenomenon live, one must be in a location along the path of totality, experiencing near complete darkness. Remember to equip […]