أخبار كبيرة: يتوقع أحد المحللين أن جهاز iPad Air مقاس 12.9 بوصة لن يحتوي على شاشة Mini-LED • Phones Canada Blog

Phones Canada is excited to share the latest updates on Apple’s upcoming iPad Air models. According to display analyst Ross Young, the 12.9-inch iPad Air will feature an LCD display instead of the previously rumored mini-LED display. Earlier reports had hinted at the use of mini-LED technology in the larger iPad Air, similar to the […]

اكتشف سبب انخفاض حصة iPhone في السوق في عمليات تنشيط الهاتف في الولايات المتحدة - رؤى الهواتف الكندية!

At Phones Canada, we understand the ever-evolving landscape of smartphone activations in the U.S. As we look at the recent trends, it’s clear that the iPhone’s share of new phone activations has been on a decline. Let’s delve deeper into the numbers and reasons behind this shift: – In the 12 months leading up to […]

قم بترقية اتصالاتك التجارية من خلال برنامج Apple الجديد "Made for Business" في المتاجر الحصرية - Phones Canada News

Phones Canada is excited to share that Apple is launching a new initiative called “Made for Business,” starting this May. This program aims to support small business owners and entrepreneurs worldwide by providing free sessions under the Today at Apple series. Here are some key points about this exciting initiative: – The sessions will help […]