أخبار مثيرة: روجرز يقدم منتجات Comcast وXfinity إلى كندا! | مدونة هواتف كندا

Rogers Partners with Comcast to Bring Xfinity Products to Canadian Customers Rogers has recently announced a 10-year partnership with Comcast, a move that will bring Xfinity products and cutting-edge technology to Rogers customers across Canada. This collaboration aims to enhance the entertainment and connectivity experience for Canadians, offering them seamless access to top-notch services and […]

حماية خصوصيتك: خطوات سهلة لإلغاء الاشتراك في تخزين البيانات الشخصية على مواقع الويب

In today’s digital age, the issue of personal information being readily available online has become a growing concern. People are realizing that a simple Google search can reveal details about them that they never even knew were out there. Sites like Radaris, Smart Background Checks, and Whitepages compile information about individuals without their consent, making […]

تحقيق أرباح AT&T البالغة $6 مليار: تحقيق معدلات تباطؤ قياسية منخفضة من خلال استثمارات شبكة 5G

AT&T’s First Quarter Earnings Report: A Closer Look AT&T recently released its first-quarter earnings report, showcasing positive outcomes with minimal subscriber churn and an impressive $6 billion in adjusted income. Unlike some competitors, AT&T experienced a growth in postpaid subscribers, adding 349,000 customers and contributing to revenue growth within its mobile department. Key Highlights: – […]

مجموعة شرائح سامسونج المتطورة ستُحدث ثورة في Nintendo Switch 2: مُغير قواعد اللعبة في مجال الاتصالات

Samsung’s Powerful Chip Set to Boost Nintendo Switch 2 As we eagerly anticipate the potential collaboration between Google and Nintendo for a VR headset, Samsung is already gearing up to power the upcoming Nintendo Switch 2. It’s no surprise, considering Samsung’s components are found in a wide array of devices, making them a reliable choice […]

هواتف كندا: تقوم أوبر بتوسيع خدمات الاتصالات لتشمل نيوفاوندلاند ولابرادور

Phones Canada is excited to announce that Uber’s rideshare services are now available in Newfoundland and Labrador, offering residents and visitors a convenient transportation option in the most easterly province of Canada. – Users can now enjoy pick-up and drop-off services in the province ahead of the busy summer season. – Olympian curlers Brad Gushue […]