الصور المستردة: ظهور صور المالكين الأصليين على أجهزة iPad وiPhone المباعة - الهواتف الكندية تحقق!

A recent report has unveiled a bug in iOS 17.5 that is causing deleted photos to reappear on devices. What’s even more concerning is that this bug could potentially give new owners access to your personal photos, even after following Apple’s guidelines for selling a device. One Reddit user, AnimatorAmazing190, shared their experience of selling […]

تجربة مستخدم محسّنة: تقدم خرائط Google شريطًا سفليًا مبسطًا وعلامة تبويب "أنت" مخصصة في أحدث ترقية

Google Maps has recently introduced a fresh interface for Android users, bringing a more streamlined look and some exciting new features. This update, unveiled at I/O 2024, showcases Google’s commitment to enhancing the user experience with innovative AR advancements and improved functionalities for EV drivers. Key highlights of the update include: – Simplified bottom navigation […]