أتقن استخدام هاتف iPhone الخاص بك باستخدام تقنية الذكاء الاصطناعي المحسنة: كيف يحصل Siri على ترقية قوية

Apple is gearing up to give Siri a major upgrade that will put the voice assistant on steroids, allowing users to control their iPhones with precision. This move comes as Apple aims to enhance iPhone sales by improving its software capabilities. Siri has been around for nearly 14 years, but in today’s age of chatbots […]
لا تفوت فرصة تخفيضات Apple Watch الكبيرة في Sport Chek الأسبوع المقبل!

Looking to purchase an Apple Watch? Hold off until next week because Sport Chek is gearing up for a big sale that you won’t want to miss. Here’s what you need to know: – From June 6 to June 12, Sport Chek is offering a fantastic deal where you can earn 40x bonus CT Money […]
تحديثات Instagram المثيرة: تتضمن التحسينات على ميزة الملاحظات المطالبات والإعجابات والإشارات

Instagram is shaking things up with a significant update to its Notes feature, as we reported last month. This update aims to foster more conversations and interactions between friends within Notes, which was previously used for brief status updates. Now, Notes has been revamped into a more engaging platform with the introduction of prompts, likes, […]
ترقية الأمان الخاص بك: يلزم إجراء تغييرات فورية على كلمة المرور لمستخدمي الاتصالات

When it comes to choosing a password, it’s not just a personal decision—it’s a crucial one. With 2,200 cyberattacks attempted daily, having a strong password is essential for protection. Despite the common knowledge of not reusing passwords, 25% of people still use the same password for multiple sites and apps. This puts them at risk […]
تعمل Telus على تعزيز إمكانية الوصول من خلال برنامج التنقل من أجل الخير للعائلات ذات الدخل المنخفض • مدونة iPhone في كندا

Telus Mobility for Good: Connecting Low-Income Families Telus has recently launched its Mobility for Good for Low Income Families program, aiming to support families across Canada who receive the maximum Canada Child Benefit. This initiative provides discounted access to Telus’ Mobility for Good plans, ensuring connectivity for families in need. Previously, Mobility for Good catered […]
تقدم Spotify المبالغ المستردة مقابل جهاز Car Thing المتوقف: التغلب على الإحباط والتحديات القانونية في مجال الاتصالات

Spotify, the renowned music streaming service, has faced some challenges with its now-discontinued Car Thing device designed for in-car music streaming. The company recently announced that the device will no longer be operational after December 9th, 2024, leaving many users with inactive devices and a sense of disappointment. Car Thing was a popular choice among […]
تقديم ThreadsDeck: التخطيط الجديد متعدد الأعمدة المستوحى من Tweetdeck لتعزيز الاتصالات المتنقلة في كندا

Meta, the parent company of Threads by Instagram, has recently introduced an exciting new feature for their web version that is sure to enhance the user experience. This new column view, affectionately called “ThreadsDeck” by users, is reminiscent of Tweetdeck and aims to personalize and streamline your Threads experience. With ThreadsDeck, users can now pin […]
أحدث تقرير عن الاتصالات: أخبار وتحديثات iPhone في كندا | مدونة هواتف كندا

Apple is gearing up to enhance its Siri virtual assistant with cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology, enabling users to control specific app functions using their voice. According to sources familiar with the matter, this upgrade is set to be a game-changer for iOS 18. Here are some key details about what Siri will be capable of […]
WhatsApp يطرح ميزة اختيار الألوان المثيرة لمحرر الرسم

WhatsApp is always looking for ways to enhance the user experience, and a recent beta update for Android has introduced an exciting new feature that will take photo and video editing to the next level. This latest update builds upon a previous redesign of the drawing editor, focusing on making it more user-friendly.
تبسيط ردود البريد الإلكتروني: إعادة تصميم "الرد السريع" في Gmail يتم طرحها على Android - Phones Canada

Gmail Enhances Quick Reply Feature for Android Users Gmail is introducing a new look for its “Quick Reply” feature on Android devices to streamline the email response process. This redesign aims to make it easier and more efficient for users to reply to emails without the need for excessive scrolling or opening new screens. Key […]