احصل على آخر الأخبار عن مكبر الصوت Beats Pill الجديد من Apple: تأكيد رسمي من NCC التايوانية [صور] - Phones Canada

Apple is gearing up for the reintroduction of its Beats Pill Bluetooth speaker, a product that was discontinued in 2022. The speaker has recently appeared on Taiwan’s National Communications Commission (NCC) website, indicating an imminent launch of a new Beats Pill speaker. The model number A3211 has been consistent in both the NCC and FCC […]

لماذا تستمر الصور المحذوفة في الظهور مرة أخرى على iOS 17.5: شرح Apple • مدونة الهواتف الكندية

Apple recently released iOS 17.5.1 to address an issue where previously deleted photos were reappearing on devices after updating to iOS 17.5. The company identified the problem as “database corruption” in its release notes and has now provided further clarification. Here are some key points to note about this issue: – iCloud Photos was not […]