عزز تجربة Samsung Galaxy Watch الخاصة بك مع ترقيات الذكاء الاصطناعي وSamsung Health!

Samsung is set to revolutionize its Galaxy Watch lineup by introducing AI technology, building on the success of the Galaxy S24 smartphones. This exciting development aims to enhance users’ health experience by combining on-device AI with the powerful Samsung Health app. What does this mean for you as a Galaxy Watch user? Here are the […]
إشاعة مثيرة حول OnePlus 13: ترقية هائلة للبطارية في الأفق!

Rumors are swirling about the highly anticipated OnePlus 13, set to be revealed in the coming months. Exciting details have emerged, particularly regarding a significant upgrade in battery capacity that will surely please users who prioritize long-lasting battery life. Here’s what we know so far: – Reports from China suggest that the OnePlus 13 could […]
تتخذ مجالس مدارس أونتاريو إجراءات قانونية ضد Meta وTikTok وSnapchat – آخر الأخبار من iPhone في كندا

Five Ontario school boards and two private schools have taken legal action against tech giants Meta, Snapchat, and TikTok, alleging that these platforms are producing harmful and addictive products that negatively impact students’ mental health and disrupt their education. The lawsuits were filed in Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice by the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School […]
تحديثات مثيرة لخطط الهواتف المحمولة Rogers وTelus وBell بدءًا من 29 مايو! اكتشف أحدث التغييرات في Phones Canada

Looking for the latest Canadian cellphone plan and device deals from top wireless carriers like Rogers, Telus, and Bell? We’ve got you covered! Check out the promos and plans available as of Wednesday, May 29, 2024: Bell Best TV service for businesses starting at $18.95/month Pure fibre Internet starting at $60/month Prepaid Voice plans with […]
أخبار مثيرة: تم الإعلان عن الإطلاق المحتمل لتطبيق Apple TV+ Android في إعلان الوظائف الأخير • مدونة Phones Canada

Apple is making moves to expand its reach by developing a television and sports app for Android users. This signals the tech giant’s intention to bring its popular TV+ service to a wider audience beyond iOS devices. Here’s what you need to know about this exciting development: – Apple is currently looking for a senior […]
البقاء في الطليعة: كيفية تحديث متجر Google Play الخاص بك بأمان على الهواتف في كندا

نقدم لكم فيروس Antidot المصرفي، وهو أحدث تهديد يستهدف مستخدمي Android من خلال إخفاء نفسه كتطبيق تحديث Google Play. على الرغم من أن البقاء على اطلاع بهاتفك وتطبيقاتك أمر بالغ الأهمية للأمان، فمن المهم توخي الحذر وتجنب الوقوع في تحذيرات التحديث المزيفة من مجرمي الإنترنت مثل أولئك الذين يقفون وراء Antidot.
ابق على اتصال على الصعيد الوطني: تتعاون Verizon مع AST SpaceMobile لتوفير تغطية متواصلة في الولايات المتحدة

Phones Canada is excited to share the latest news about Verizon’s new “strategic partnership” with AST Space Mobile, which will revolutionize connectivity for customers of the “Big Three” U.S. carriers. Here’s a breakdown of the key points: – AT&T also recently signed a deal with AST Space Mobile, extending through 2030. – Satellite coverage for […]
أفضل متخصصي الاتصالات: أخبار ونصائح iPhone في كندا

In a recent opinion piece in the Globe and Mail, Kate Robertson, a senior research associate, and Ron Deibert, director at the University of Toronto’s Citizen Lab, have expressed concerns about Bill C-26, a federal cybersecurity bill currently making its way through Parliament. Here are some key points raised by the experts: – Bill C-26 […]
اكتشف أحدث هواتف Android من HMD: الكشف عن المواصفات والأسعار!

HMD Global, known for its Nokia roots, is making waves in the smartphone industry with some exciting announcements. If you were unsure about their first solo smartphone endeavors, we have news that will pique your interest. Here’s a glimpse of what HMD Global has in store: Flashy colors, respectable specs, reasonable prices: HMD is focusing […]
أخبار عاجلة: هواوي وSMIC تمضيان قدمًا في خطة لإنتاج شرائح متطورة بدقة 3 نانومتر على الرغم من العقوبات الأمريكية

Huawei’s Innovative Approach to 3nm Chips It seems that the U.S. sanctions aimed at hindering Huawei’s access to cutting-edge chips may not be as effective as intended. Huawei has filed a patent for utilizing self-aligned quadruple patterning (SAQP) lithography to construct 3nm chips through multi-patterning techniques. This approach is supported by another patent filed by […]