Pilot Voice Translation pour les podcasts désormais disponible sur Spotify

Phones Canada is excited to share the news about Spotify’s latest feature: Voice Translation for podcasts. This new feature, powered by AI and developed in partnership with OpenAI, allows podcasts to be translated into different languages while retaining the original speaker’s voice. The main goal of Voice Translation for podcasts is to provide a more […]

Le plan d'abonnement Premium Lite de YouTube fait ses adieux

While most streaming services increased prices this year, YouTube has decided to make adjustments to its offerings. Starting next month, YouTube’s ad-free Premium Lite subscription plan will no longer be available. The company has confirmed this news in an email sent to subscribers. According to a report by The Verge, here is what the email […]

Top 3 des applications les plus sûres pour une fête d'Halloween effrayante

For kids, Halloween is an exciting night filled with the promise of free candy. However, for parents, it can be a source of worry and concern due to safety issues. Fortunately, there are several safety apps available that can help ease these concerns. We have sifted through the App Store and Google Play to find […]