Meilleurs forfaits de téléphonie cellulaire Fido en 2023

Fido is a leading cell phone provider in Canada, known for its competitive pricing and extensive 4G LTE coverage on the Rogers network. We, at Phones Canada, highly recommend their Data, Talk & Text Plan with 30GB as the best cell phone plan in Canada. For only $45/month, you get a generous amount of 4G LTE data.

6 applications incontournables pour le shopping du Black Friday

À l'approche des fêtes de fin d'année, il est essentiel de se préparer au Black Friday, l'une des journées de shopping les plus attendues de l'année. Pour maximiser vos économies et profiter des meilleures offres, vous aurez besoin des bons outils. C'est là que les applications d'achat comme Flipp, ShopSavvy, Brad's Deals, Rakuten, DealNews et Slickdeals s'avèrent utiles.

Google Wallet introduit une nouvelle fonctionnalité permettant aux utilisateurs de convertir des cartes physiques au format numérique via la numérisation de QR ou de codes à barres

Google Wallet, the popular mobile payment app, has introduced a new feature that allows users to digitize their physical passes, such as transit passes, gym memberships cards, parking passes, and library cards. Currently, this feature is only available on Google Pixel phones, but it is expected to be rolled out to other Android devices in the future.

Top 7 des applications d'Halloween pour l'année 2023

Phones Canada Presents: Best Halloween Apps for Spooky Fun Halloween is a time for spooky fun with your loved ones, and nowadays, people have higher expectations for the spooky season than just traditional party games. If you’re looking to add some thrills and chills to your Halloween celebration, look no further than these Halloween apps […]

Google Messages pourrait bientôt empêcher l'affichage lors du partage d'écran

Google Messages is testing a new security feature that blocks users from accessing the app when it detects screen sharing. This is to prevent scammers from snooping on private conversations and security codes. While this feature is meant to protect users, there are concerns that it may also prevent legitimate use cases.