Nouveaux problèmes juridiques pour X : licenciement présumé d'un employé suite à des critiques à l'égard des projets d'Elon Musk

X, la plateforme de médias sociaux anciennement connue sous le nom de Twitter, est à nouveau confrontée à des problèmes juridiques. X Social Media, une société de marketing juridique, a intenté une action en justice contre X, affirmant que le nouveau nom de la plateforme de médias sociaux porte atteinte à sa marque. Cela s'ajoute aux défis juridiques existants de l'entreprise, alors qu'un autre procès se profile.
Une solution potentielle à un bug de CarPlay qui affecte la fiabilité du GPS

A Possible Solution to CarPlay GPS Bugs Many drivers have experienced a frustrating issue with CarPlay: a frozen GPS signal that renders car navigation useless and even dangerous. Chance Miller, the editor-in-chief of 9to5Mac, has offered a possible solution to this problem, which has plagued him for nearly a year. According to Miller, the CarPlay […]
Selon les rumeurs, le OnePlus 12 serait doté de l'écran de smartphone le plus dynamique des États-Unis.

Phones Canada Team has some exciting news for smartphone enthusiasts. The latest flagship models from various brands are competing to offer an exceptional display experience. In particular, the Pixel 8 Pro has addressed a common issue faced by Pixel users in the past. Its “Super Actua” display boasts a maximum brightness of 2,400 nits, making […]
Les utilisateurs d'iOS 17 déclenchent accidentellement des feux d'artifice gênants pendant des séances de thérapie

Online therapy sessions are becoming a cringe parade thanks to one particular iOS 17 feature that is not intended to do so, but here we are. The new Apple operating system brings many enhancements to FaceTime, one of which is the option for 3D reactions that pop up when users do specific hand gestures. So […]
Apple se rapproche de Samsung dans les expéditions mondiales de téléphones au troisième trimestre

Statistics can lie depending on various factors. Take the global smartphone market which declined by 1% year-over-year during the third quarter of 2023. On the other hand, looking at the numbers on a sequential basis from Q2 to Q3, worldwide smartphone shipments rose by a double-digit percentage. During the quarter, Samsung released the new iterations […]
La sortie de Nothing OS 2.0.4 introduit de nouvelles fonctionnalités et des corrections de bugs pour Nothing Phone (1)

Phones Canada is excited to announce the rollout of Nothing OS 2.0.4 for the Nothing Phone (1). This update brings new features, bug fixes, and important improvements. One of the new features included in the update is the addition of a home screen photo widget and an app drawer to hide and group unwanted apps. […]
Nouvelles fonctionnalités introduites dans la mise à jour de Google Clock : la synchronisation des alarmes avec la Pixel Watch est désormais disponible
An update for the Google Clock app on Android is now available, indicating that Google is working on the promised alarm sync feature between the Pixel phone’s clock and the Pixel Watch 2. The update also brings some additional quality of life features. Version 7.6 of the Google Clock app includes new features that were […]
YouTube va lancer des dizaines de nouvelles fonctionnalités permettant aux utilisateurs de trouver des chansons en fredonnant

YouTube Introduces Exciting New Features and Design Enhancements YouTube is treating its users to a slew of new features and design tweaks. Following last year’s revamp for a better user experience, the platform is now introducing over three dozen new updates, including better audio control on mobile devices, easier control on playback speeds, Search by […]
Raisons possibles pour reconsidérer les critiques de T-Mobile

T-Mobile Customers Not as Impacted by Plan Changes as Previously Thought Last week, T-Mobile made headlines when it announced that customers on legacy plans would be required to switch to more expensive new plans. This news caused an uproar among T-Mobile subscribers who were left wondering what happened to the company’s promise of not raising […]
Le champion américain sort victorieux de la bataille mondiale de la 5G : T-Mobile, Verizon, AT&T et au-delà

Phones Canada Analysis: T-Mobile Dominates 5G Availability Worldwide In a recent report by Opensignal, T-Mobile emerged as the leading carrier in the world for 5G availability. The study, which covered countries based on their land area, placed T-Mobile ahead of Verizon, AT&T, and other major carriers in countries like India, Australia, Brazil, Japan, and China. […]