Qualifiez-vous pour une ligne T-Mobile gratuite

T-Mobile might be giving away free lines to some lucky customers, according to a report from The Mobile Report. The carrier will be targeting certain customers to add a new line to their account, and the amount will be credited back as a monthly bill credit for as long as the customer maintains eligibility. This […]

Google lance YouTube Premium et Music Premium dans 10 pays supplémentaires

Google announced earlier this month that it is bringing both its YouTube Premium and Music Premium services to 10 more countries. The services are already available in three of these countries from December 5, while the rest will get them in the coming days. Spotted by 9to5google, the list of countries that are getting YouTube […]

Instagram présente des modèles d'histoires personnalisés pour les utilisateurs

Instagram has recently introduced a new feature that allows its users to further personalize Story templates. With the new “Add Yours” templates, Instagramers can now create their own unique Stories with ease. The customizable templates can be personalized with GIFs, images, and text, providing an opportunity for users to express their creativity. To create your […]

Les utilisateurs de tablettes et de téléphones pliables peuvent désormais utiliser la fonction de reconnaissance d'écriture manuscrite de Gboard

Gboard gains handwriting recognition for tablets and foldable phones Posted by Phones Canada Team | Nov 15, 2023 Remember the time we used to write by hand? Well, I barely do, too. While keyboards on tablets and foldable smartphones offer plenty of features, one common missing element is handwriting recognition. Thankfully, Gboard is now addressing […]

Le potentiel d’un téléobjectif de 48 MP dans l’iPhone 17 Pro Max

The cover image shows the camera setup of the iPhone 15 Pro max. Time sure does zip by, especially in the world of iPhones. Just a blink ago, we were hyped about the iPhone 15 series, and here we are, with whispers of the next generation iPhone 16 and even the iPhone 17. According to […]