La refonte à venir de WhatsApp pourrait rendre inutiles les boutons d'action flottants existants

WhatsApp for Android is rolling out a new update that could make it easier and faster to post status updates from the dedicated Updates tab. The new version of the app, still in beta testing, provides a redesign that essentially renders the floating action buttons obsolete. In its current version, WhatsApp for Android has […]
Protéger votre smartphone contre les menaces de sécurité émergentes à l’ère de la 5G

The importance of security in the 5G era The advent of 5G technology has revolutionized how we interact with the world through our smartphones. With blazing-fast speeds and unparalleled connectivity (at least for the moment), 5G smartphones have become more than just a tool for communication; they are an integral part of our daily lives. […]
Galaxy A55 et ses capacités prometteuses avec l’Exynos 1480 : ouvrir la voie

Samsung is reportedly planning to release a new Galaxy A55 in 2024 featuring the Exynos 1480 chipset. This new mid-range phone is expected to offer improved CPU performance over its predecessor, the Galaxy A54. The Exynos 1480 Geekbench performance test revealed a single-core CPU score of 1,180 points and a multi-core CPU score of 3,536 […]
Nouvelle application Journal désormais disponible pour les utilisateurs d'iPhone : vaut-elle la peine de l'utiliser lorsque vous disposez déjà de l'application Notes ?

The iOS 17.2 update is here, and with it comes a new app called Journal. As we wind down 2024, it’s a great time to reflect and consider why you might need a Journal app on your iPhone, especially considering the existence of the Notes app. Let’s discuss. Is journaling different than taking notes? Journaling […]
De nouvelles fonctionnalités de santé sur l’Apple Watch X 2024 pourraient potentiellement sauver plus de vies

Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, writing in his weekly “Power On” newsletter for Bloomberg, said that two new health features are coming to a future iteration of the Apple Watch. One will detect whether you have sleep apnea which is a serious medical condition where your breathing can stop and start overnight while sleeping. Those with this […]
Comment localiser les téléchargements sur votre appareil Android : guide du débutant

Do you often find it challenging to locate files you downloaded days or weeks ago? Or are you looking to declutter your download folder and free up some space on your device? Well, we’ve got you covered. Our guide will help you effortlessly locate and manage your downloads on your Android device in no time. […]