T-Mobile offre aux utilisateurs de smartphones des conseils pour naviguer en hiver

As winter sets in across the Northern Hemisphere, it’s important to take care of your smartphone to ensure it runs smoothly despite the cold weather. T-Mobile has shared some helpful tips to keep your device in top shape during the winter months. The battery is one component of the phone that can be significantly impacted […]

Évitez ces erreurs lorsque vous sortez votre iPhone ce soir !

When heading to a bar for some drinks, it is important to use your common sense. There have been occurrences where individuals would steal devices from intoxicated individuals and take advantage of them. To prevent something like this from happening to you, make sure to use your passcode to unlock your iPhone discreetly and do […]

SiriusXM fait face à des allégations selon lesquelles il serait difficile pour les consommateurs d’annuler leurs abonnements, accusés de « piéger » les clients.

Cela peut être une situation stressante lorsque vous essayez d'annuler un abonnement, mais le processus est inutilement difficile. Le procureur général de New York, Letitia James, a intenté une action en justice contre SiriusXM, accusant la société de rendre difficile l'annulation de leurs comptes par les abonnés en « maintenant des processus d'annulation délibérément longs et fastidieux ».

Une fuite d'usine semble confirmer les soupçons concernant le Galaxy S24 Ultra

There are recent leaks circulating around the rumored Galaxy S24 launch date. One recent rumor suggested that the Galaxy S24 Ultra would keep its predecessor’s 10x periscope camera, but that was subsequently dismissed by another rumor from a reliable source. And now, new evidence has emerged suggesting that the phone will indeed ditch the 10x zoom camera.