La WWDC 2024 pourrait voir l'annonce de la refonte majeure de l'IA de Siri

When Siri was first introduced during the unveiling of the iPhone 4s in 2011, iPhone users were excited to have their very own virtual digital assistant and the possibilities seemed endless. But today, Siri is more frustrating than anything else, especially when compared with Google Assistant. Every year, those invested in the Apple ecosystem hope […]

ChatGPT pourrait potentiellement rivaliser avec la domination de Google Assistant sur Android

In recent AI news, it has been suggested that OpenAI’s ChatGPT could potentially replace Google Assistant on Android devices. The latest version of the ChatGPT Android app (version 1.2023.352) contains a code that hints at the ability to set ChatGPT as the default assistant app. This update introduces a new activity named com.openai.voice.assistant.AssistantActivity, which is […]

Tous les clients T-Mobile perdraient les avantages de Netflix

T-Mobile giveth and T-Mobile taketh away. That seems to be the best short summary of a week of conflicting news that’s undoubtedly seen many of the “Un-carrier’s” subscribers go from agony to ecstasy and agony again a lot more quickly and dramatically than anyone imagined at the very beginning of the new year. Coincidentally or […]

Problèmes avec l'application Galaxy Wearable de Samsung sur les téléphones Pixel après la mise à jour de janvier 2024

Samsung is currently experiencing an unusual issue with its Galaxy Wearable app, which is a significant player in the Wear OS ecosystem. Reports have emerged stating that certain Pixel smartphone users are experiencing difficulties accessing the app that is needed for connecting Samsung’s smartwatches to Android devices. Several users recently reported issues with their devices, […]