Viber présente un nouveau service d'appels professionnels exclusif

Viber a introduit un nouveau service appelé Business Calls, qui permet aux utilisateurs de passer des appels internationaux gratuits vers des numéros fixes directement via l'application Viber. Cette fonctionnalité s'adresse spécifiquement aux entreprises, permettant aux utilisateurs de Viber de suivre plus facilement les commandes, d'obtenir de l'aide dans les secteurs de la vente au détail et de la livraison, ou de répondre aux demandes de produits.

La série Realme 12 Pro sera peaufinée par un cinéaste oscarisé

Realme has recently made an interesting partnership with Oscar-winning cinematographer Claudio Miranda to enhance the image tuning of their upcoming Realme 12 Pro series. This collaboration is aimed at boosting the visual appeal and quality of the smartphone’s camera, leveraging Miranda’s expertise in cinematography. Miranda is known for his work on visually stunning movies such […]

Apple Music increases royalty rate for Spatial Audio music tracks

Apple Music has seen a significant increase in the popularity of Spatial Audio tracks since its launch in 2018. More than 90 percent of Apple Music listeners have chosen Spatial Audio over the standard format, and the number of Spatial Audio tracks has increased by 5,000 percent since the launch. To further support this format, […]

Un nouvel outil de modération arrive sur Google Chat

Google starts this week with yet another update for its Chat app. After bringing star messages to iOS and Android, Google Chat is now getting a new moderation tool in the admin console. The new moderation tool has been specifically designed for reviewing and taking action on reported Google Chat content via the Admin console […]