Transférer des données entre iPhones : un guide étape par étape

When you get a brand new iPhone, it’s always exciting, especially if it came with a great deal, but transferring all your data can be a little bit of a hassle. Thankfully, moving all your important info from your old iPhone to your new one isn’t too difficult. Here are a few simple ways to […]

T-Mobile surpasse Verizon et AT&T dans le dernier rapport Speedtest Intelligence

According to the latest Speedtest Intelligence report from Ookla, T-Mobile was the fastest wireless carrier in the U.S. during the fourth quarter of 2023, with a median download speed of 188.96Mbps. This was more than double the median download speeds of second-place Verizon and AT&T. T-Mobile also led in median upload speed and had lower […]

Google réfute les affirmations selon lesquelles les ralentissements de YouTube seraient liés à ses efforts de détection des bloqueurs de publicités

Google has been in the middle of another controversy this week, as reports claim that YouTube has started slowing video buffer with ad-block enabled. We assumed that Google has decided to ramp up its efforts to prevent YouTube users from using ad-blockers, which seriously affects the platform monetization model. YouTube reiterated numerous times in the […]

La production des nouveaux iPad Pro OLED est peut-être déjà en cours

Apple is rumored to be unveiling two new iPad Air models and two new OLED iPad Pro models in March this year, and recent reports are backing up those rumors. According to Korean news source THE ELEC, LG is already producing displays for the 13-inch iPad Pro, while OLED panels for the 11-inch model are […]