Clients Verizon éligibles pour partager le règlement $100 millions

Current and former Verizon customers who had a postpaid account and used the carrier’s wireless or data services between Jan. 1, 2016, to Nov. 8, 2023, could be in line to receive as much as $100 each following the settlement of a class-action suit. The suit alleged that Verizon charged its postpaid wireless account holders […]

Obtenez un accessoire de clavier QWERTY physique pour votre iPhone

Clicks keyboard accessory adds a physical QWERTY to your iPhone Even though it was the introduction of the iPhone in 2007 that marked the beginning of the end for physical keyboards on phones, there are still many iPhone users who secretly wish that they could have a physical QWERTY to use on their handsets. So […]

T-Mobile établit de nouveaux records au sol et de vitesse 5G avec des progrès continus

T-Mobile continues to push the boundaries of 5G technology, achieving a peak speed of “above 3.6 Gbps” in a recent test call using six-carrier aggregation technology. This “mind-blowing” speed would allow users to download a two-hour HD movie in less than 7 seconds, although this level of speed is currently only achievable in controlled testing […]