Bonne nouvelle : un nouveau jeu Pokémon devrait sortir sur Android et iOS en 2024 !

Get ready, Pokémon fans! Another exciting game is on the horizon for your mobile devices this year: the Pokémon Trading Game Card. This new game, set to launch in 2024 for both iOS and Android, is already creating a buzz in the gaming world. The announcement of the Pokémon Trading Game Card Pocket has sparked […]
Mise à jour importante : Zoom cessera bientôt de prendre en charge certains appareils iOS !

Zoom a récemment effectué une mise à jour importante de sa page d'assistance pour les appareils iOS, apportant de nouvelles fonctionnalités et améliorations à la populaire application de visioconférence. Cependant, parallèlement à ces améliorations, Zoom a également annoncé qu'il ne prendrait plus en charge certaines anciennes versions d'iOS à partir du mois prochain. Voici les points clés à garder à l’esprit :
Nouvelles passionnantes : Apple dévoile des plans pour des puces 2 nm dans les futurs modèles d’iPhone !

We have some exciting news for all Apple fans out there! A recent report, supposedly from an Apple employee on LinkedIn, suggests that Apple is diving into the world of chip design with TSMC’s cutting-edge 2nm process node. Here’s what we know so far: – Leaked slides from a Korean website and shared on Twitter […]
Libérer le succès : Cineplex récolte $40 millions grâce aux frais de réservation en ligne • Rapport Phones Canada

Cineplex is facing scrutiny from the Competition Bureau for allegedly deceptive marketing practices related to online booking fees. The company has reportedly made nearly $40 million from these fees, sparking controversy over how they are presented to consumers. Key Points: – Cineplex collected over $11.6 million within six months of introducing the $1.50 online booking […]
Découvrez le vivo V30 Pro : batterie longue durée avec santé 80% après 1600 charges – Phones Canada

Get ready, because vivo has delivered on its promise – the highly anticipated vivo V30 Pro was officially announced on February 28. While its non-Pro counterpart, the vivo V30, has already made its mark globally as the company’s slimmest smartphone with a massive 5,000 mAh battery. The V30 Pro is making waves as the first […]
Mise à jour passionnante : changement de marque du compte Apple à l’horizon !

Apple is contemplating a rebranding of their Apple ID to Apple Account, as reported recently. This change could potentially impact how users access services like iCloud and Find My, streamlining the authentication process and enhancing device compatibility within the Apple ecosystem. The proposed switch from Apple ID to Apple Account marks a significant shift for […]
Découvrez les dernières mises à jour en matière de télécommunications : les changements aux forfaits de téléphonie cellulaire de Rogers, Telus et Bell dévoilés le 28 février • Blogue iPhone au Canada

Looking for the latest Canadian cellphone plan and device deals? Look no further! Our partner PlanHub has compiled a list of the most up-to-date promos from wireless carriers like Rogers, Telus, and Bell. Check out the current offers as of Wednesday, February 28, 2024: **Bell** – **Noticeable price changes:** – **New deals:** – Pure fibre […]
Samsung Galaxy S24 : la tendance télécom la plus en vogue en Corée du Sud et aux États-Unis !

The latest Samsung Galaxy S24 series has been making waves in the market, with impressive sales figures and a strong reception from consumers. Let’s take a closer look at the global success of these premium smartphones: – **1 Million Units in South Korea:** The Galaxy S24 series has already sold one million units in Samsung’s […]
Des fonctionnalités intéressantes dans iOS 17.4 RC dévoilées [VIDÉO] – Phones Canada Blog

Apple recently released the RC (Release Candidate) builds of iOS and iPadOS 17.4, as well as updates for other software versions. Here’s a quick rundown of what was launched for developers yesterday: – Xcode 15.3 Release Candidate (15E5202a) – iOS 17.4 Release Candidate (21E217) – iPadOS 17.4 Release Candidate (21E217) – macOS 14.4 beta 5 […]
Nouvelles passionnantes : Google Contacts va introduire un widget d'écran d'accueil pour les messages texte !

Google Contacts, known for its occasional functionality updates, may soon receive a significant upgrade that includes a new home screen widget and revamped user interface. The update, currently in the testing phase with no confirmed deployment timeline, promises to enhance user experience and streamline contact management. Key highlights of the anticipated Google Contacts update include: […]