Améliorez votre expérience de messagerie avec la nouvelle fonctionnalité de Google Chat pour des conversations personnalisées

Google Chat is introducing a new update to enhance the user experience and boost productivity. With the latest update, navigating conversations within in-line threaded spaces will be even easier, making it simpler to keep track of important messages. Here’s how Google Chat’s new feature can benefit you: – In-line participant avatars: The update displays participant […]

Découvrez les dernières nouvelles iPhone au Canada – Phones Canada Blog

The Pokémon Company recently hosted its annual Pokémon Presents event on Pokémon Day 2024, unveiling exciting updates and new releases for the year. This virtual celebration marked the anniversary of the release of Pokémon Red and Green in Japan in 1996, making it a significant occasion for fans worldwide. During the 12-minute presentation, several key […]

Présentation du Skyphone : un téléphone hybride intelligent par satellite de pointe pour une connectivité de niveau supérieur

Introducing the Thuraya Skyphone: Your Everyday Smartphone with Satellite Connectivity When the iPhone 14 series launched, it introduced us to the concept of smartphones connecting to satellites. While still limited in functionality, this feature can be a game-changer, especially in emergencies where it can potentially save lives. Imagine being able to send a one-way signal […]

Déverrouiller la sécurité PlayStation : étapes faciles pour les utilisateurs d’iPhone au Canada – Phones Canada

Sony has recently introduced a new security feature called Passkey for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5, allowing players to access their PlayStation Network accounts without the hassle of constantly entering their credentials. Here’s how you can use it: – PlayStation Passkey eliminates the need for using your PlayStation Network email and password. Instead, users can […]

Selon les rumeurs, les nouveaux modèles d'iPhone 17 incluraient des écrans ProMotion et Always-On – Un changement dans le domaine des télécommunications !

The upcoming iPhone 17 and iPhone 17 Plus are rumored to feature some exciting new display technology that was previously only available on the Pro models. Here’s what you need to know about these potential changes: – Industry sources suggest that the iPhone 17 series will come with OLED displays using low-temperature polycrystalline oxide (LPTO) […]

Débloquez votre connexion : le blog iPhone au Canada par le Bureau de la concurrence

Depuis la fusion Rogers-Shaw, les forfaits de téléphonie cellulaire dans l'Ouest canadien ont vu leurs prix augmenter, selon Jeanne Pratt, sous-commissaire principale aux fusions et aux pratiques monopolistiques du Bureau de la concurrence. Pratt a exprimé ses inquiétudes quant à la hausse des coûts suite à l'acquisition de Shaw par Rogers en avril dernier, soulignant les prix compétitifs de Shaw en Colombie-Britannique et en Alberta avant la fusion.

Revue Apple Arcade : dévoilement de la dernière innovation télécom !

According to a report from (via AndroidAuthority), game developers are expressing concerns about the future of Apple Arcade. Some developers have even gone as far as to say there is “the smell of death” surrounding the service. It seems that Apple Arcade is facing some challenges, with reports suggesting a potential reboot to compete […]