Améliorez votre photographie avec le dernier téléphone doté d'un anneau de lumière douce et d'une technologie de capteur Sony de pointe de Phones Canada

Introducing the upcoming Vivo S19 and S19 Pro – a phone duo that prioritizes the essence of photography: light. The innovative feature of a “soft light ring” sets these phones apart, promising to deliver softened and flattering lighting for your photos. Soft light is crucial for capturing stunning portraits, as it creates a warm and […]

La nouvelle fonctionnalité Waze informe les conducteurs des changements de route en temps réel – Gardez une longueur d'avance grâce aux alertes instantanées !

When it comes to navigation, Waze stands out due to its vibrant community that shares real-time driving experiences, helping you avoid road hazards like potholes and speed bumps. While Google Maps and Apple Maps offer a comprehensive experience for finding locations and entertainment options, Waze focuses on getting you from point A to point B […]

Nouveau test de mise en page YouTube : commentaires sur le côté – Phones Canada

YouTube is once again dabbling in redesign territory, unveiling a new look that has sparked some debate. This layout may feel familiar as the platform tested it earlier this year, receiving mixed reviews from users. The revamped interface shifts the video title, description, and comments to a sidebar, allowing for larger video recommendations directly below […]