Libérez la puissance de la 5G : Cricket présente le dernier Moto G Stylus 5G (2024)

Phones Canada is excited to share that the new Moto G Stylus (2024) 5G smartphone is now available at Cricket, one of the leading carriers in the US. This budget-friendly device from Motorola is making waves in the telecommunications industry, offering customers an affordable option with 5G capabilities. Here are some key details about the […]

T-Mobile va supprimer la garantie « Price Lock » des publicités, comme demandé par NAD

T-Mobile asked to modify 5G internet service ads by National Advertising Division According to The Verge, the National Advertising Division (NAD) has requested T-Mobile to adjust its advertisements regarding the carrier’s “Price Lock” guarantee for its 5G internet service. This request came after T-Mobile raised the price of the service earlier this year. The issue […]

Libérer le potentiel : l'iPhone RCS ne parvient pas à atteindre les fonctionnalités clés

Apple recently announced RCS (Rich Communication Services) support for iOS 18 at their WWDC conference, and a user has now uncovered this feature in the beta version. This exciting development offers a peek into the future of cross-platform messaging between iPhones and Android devices. Key points about Apple’s RCS implementation include: – Delivery status indicators […]

Verizon exhorte la FCC à empêcher AT&T d'acquérir $14 milliards de spectre 4,9 GHz

Verizon recently sent a letter to FCC Secretary Marlene H. Dortch, urging the regulatory agency to block a proposal from the Public Safety Spectrum Alliance (PSSA). The PSSA aims to ensure that first responders have access to cutting-edge communication systems and has put forward a plan to allocate 50Hz of 4.9 GHz spectrum to FirstNet […]